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主题演讲——is my top concern

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 20:46



热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 17:05

Left-behind children are my top concern
Good afternoon ladies and gentle men.Today I just want to talk about a vernacular phrase---the“Liu Shout”,or left behind children.This summer holiday, I ,coupled with my classmates,came to the rural ereas in Ningxia to be vulunteer teachers. To my surprise, so many children live without their parents at home and suffer from so poor living conditions.One of my students,Xiaolei,I named him,left me a very deep impression.Living far away from school,he must get up at 5 o`clock in the morning and then climb the mountains to school.Without enough money to afford the school fares, his sister had to quit school so as to support him.Realizing that his parents work in the city just for the whole family,this little boy studyed very hard even just ate two frugal meals a day.When I set about going back,he whisperd to me that he missed his father and mother so much that he often cries at night.Suddenly,just at that moment,tears came to my eyes.
However,Xiaolei is not alone.Government staticstic show that more than 20 million children in rual areas whose parents have left home to search for work in the city.The problem has reached a national scale as more and more migrant workers from across China answer the call of emplyers of the booming cities.Migrant wages have stagnated,while ecation and health costs are rising, and rural social satety net has collapsed—a crushing combination that is a major reason the income divide is widening so rapidly in China at the expense of the rural poor.Migration also has meant that urban and rual children in China are growing up in starkly different worlds.In cities,a lot of only children are called “Xiao taiyang” or “little sun”by their parents as in center of the universe.In country,these children must look after the whole family instead of their parents at their school age.In cities,children are inlged with clothes,toys and snacks.In country,some little children even don`t know what the simplest chinese word “dahai”means because they never have a chance to see it .How pathetic! If we seriously believe the oft-made claim that children are future of the country, then we truly have something to worry about our future.Fortunately, It is inspiring to see local authorities providing welfare and ecational guarantees.They also donate some money to these children to offset some of their school fares.However, it is far from enough.
A number of children for example Xiaolei ,face more pressiong concerns such as tutoring,psychological help,security,financial support and communications.Currently,what we need to do are to pay actions to these problems,give our sincere care to these children,and make joint efforts with all walks of life to construct a convinent environment for them to study and to live in.I believe one day,they can live happily with their parents at home just like all other children.One day they can get rid of such a lonely life and shabby houses.And one day they can strive for their own dreams freely in the future.Thank you very much .

热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 17:06

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