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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 10:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 01:27

1、人们滥伐树木以修建房屋,导致一些动物没有了栖息地.People have cut down so many trees that there're no places for the animals to inhabit.
2、农民滥用农药,害死了一些动物The farmers misused the pesticide and some of the animals died.
3、为了赚钱,人们滥杀一些珍惜野生动物To make money,people have killed some rare wild animals excessicvely.
4、不要乱砍滥伐,要保护环境。Don't cut about trees,pretect the environment.
5、爱护动物,不去伤害他们Protect the animals and keep away from harming them.
6、建立更多的自然保护区Set up more natural animal protecting zones.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 01:28

The deforestation for building houses results in the loss of habitats for some animals.
The abusive use of pesticide has killed some animals.
People kill rare species of wild animals for money.
We must not cut down trees at will, but need to protect them.
Care for the animals, do not hurt them.
set up more nature preservation zones.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 01:28

1, The denudation for house-building results in the loss of habitats for some animals.
2, The abuse of pesticide by farmers has resulted in animals being killed.
3, People kill some rare species of wild animals excessively for money.
4, No hackle of trees, protect the environment.
5, Take good care of the animals, don't hurt them.
6, Set up more nature preservation zones.
7, I dreamt of myself becoming a little bird.
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