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How to be a sucessful language learner?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 10:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 01:27

A successful language learner is always an independent learner. he will look for all opportunities to practise what he is learning rather than just wait for such chances. He will find the mothods best suitble for himself and assimilate the experiences of others. unlike a wine bottle to be filled by teachers, he is willingly to set up his own learning plan and carry out them meticulously.

A successful learner is always an active learner. in classroom he is an active student who does not fear losing face by making mistakes. on the other hand, he will try his best to put forward questions couragously without the worry of wasting other students' time, he is sure that he is help both the teacher and other student because the others must have the same question and the teacher is not a mind reader. he always laughes his errors or mistakes out with others. before take every classes, he always prepares throughly new lessons on his own pace.

A successful learner is crazy about english. he will take interest in everything about english. his learning purpose is not getting high remarks in exams or whatever certificates. With a constant aspiration of having a command of the language as a communicating skill in mind, he is eager to improve his ability in the four fundamentle areas of a language , understanding, speaking, reading and writing. his feelings of satisfaction and achievement will burge out when he put what he has learned into practice as he can read some compositions or speak to native speakers. The important feelings will serve as incentive to boost his consistant effort.

Last but not least, A successful learning has a lot to to with personalities and characteritics of the learner. uninhibited and extrovert nature can motivate learners' interest and help overcoming obstacles between communication.
what one acts out is more likely to be memorized vividly. person whith poor self esteem and little confidence always build barriers to pretect himself from criticism at the same time, prevent himself from move forward in the ardous never-ending process, english learning.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 01:27

实际上,经过20余年的外语学习,我认为最有效的学习 方法是背诵漂亮的英语文章!!!!!!!!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 01:28

read more, speak more, write more, listen more!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 01:28

Try to make an environment for yourself.
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