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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 00:35



热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 07:51

问题一:袋鼠的英文怎么写??????? Kangaroo,答案是K

问题二:袋鼠的英文怎么写? ―――――――――

问题三:袋鼠的英文 kangaroo

问题四:袋鼠用英语怎么说 不详

问题五:袋鼠的英文介绍还要翻译 Kangaroos originated in the Australian continent and parts of Papua New Guinea. Among them, some species unique to Australia. All Australian kangaroo, zoo and wild, except in zoos, are living in the wild. Different types of kangaroos in Australia in a variety of natural life, from the cool climate of the rainforest and the desert plains to tropical areas.
Kangaroo is a herbivore, eating a variety of plants, fungi and some food. Most of their activities at night, but also some activities in the early morning or evening. Different types of kangaroos in a variety of natural life. For example, Lloyd Kangaroo Podolski will make their own nest and the tree kangaroos live in the bush. Large species like the tree kangaroo, the rock cracks and holes as shelter.
All kangaroos, no matter how much volume, there is one thing in mon: with long hind legs strong and powerful bond. Kangaroo on the ground most of life, from their strong hind legs jumping way can easily be distinguished from other animals to. Used in the process of jumping kangaroo tail for balance when they move slowly, the tail may act as a f供fth leg.
All female kangaroos have long ago opened bag of childcare and child rearing, there are four nipples pocket. Young or *** all kangaroo pockets in the dependent child up until they can survive in the outside world.
Kangaroo is Australia's unique mammals, mainly located in the Australian continent on the forest and grassland. Kangaroo is a plant-......>>

问题六:袋鼠的英文怎么读? kangaroo
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