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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-09 04:41



热心网友 时间:2023-07-12 13:25



The teachers gave us the knowledge, and I thanked them very much.. To our best teacher - X teacher. X teacher is an excellent English teacher, sometimes laughing, squinted, very interesting. His talent to make the students envy, work very seriously, very responsible, the students are tolerant to treat. 


As teachers, we must not only have a wide range of knowledge, but also have comprehensive skills and positive attitudes. For one thing, we must be equal to every student. Don’t judge the students by their grades and behaviors. Our ty is to ecate them, not to criticize them. 

For another, we are no longer the candles, but the matches. We shouldn't do the presentation work all the time in class. We must give the classes to the students.


A good teacher, in our minds,means that giving us all knowledge he knows absolutely, supervising studentsstrictly, teaching students by holding their hands, assigning proper homeworkto students and being kind enough to give students time to relieve pressure and so on. 

Of course, these are my previous ideas which show myimmaturity to a certain extent. But those ways catering to examination-orientedecation are necessary before stepping into university. With the age andexperience growing, my thoughts become mature graally.

请问这狗狗是什么品种?是不是杂交的啊? ...鉴别下这是啥狗狗?大概三个月不到点。个人感觉像是蝴蝶和土狗... 如何给好友写信,讲述自己的暑假生活? 英语用信的格式冩一篇“你是怎么样度过暑假的”? 暑假到了,老师要让我们在8.1号之前写1封信给她,汇报这一个月生活,怎么... 上班族怎样提升学历 为什么重庆自考每年都有专业停考 重庆自考官网是什么 自考报名时间2024具体时间是什么时候 “重庆自考管理系统”怎么登陆不进去了啊 ...帮忙把fatcat你真漂亮韩文歌词译成中文音译歌词吧~里面有韩文歌词... you are beautiful音译歌词 you are so beautiful in white是哪首歌 ...for什么什么something beautiful在高潮部分 推荐《Beautiful In White》 49天照B超有胆黄囊,未见胚芽 胆囊炎的解释胆囊炎的解释是什么 胆璜素胶囊现名叫什么? 电脑机箱风扇怎么装最合理? 四季杜鹃茶花养殖方法和技术 四季茶花怎么种植(四季茶花树的养殖方法) 四季茶花的繁殖方法和注意事项 ...问一下教师资格证怎么考?初等中等高等有什么区别?越详细越好 谢谢... 澶渊之盟,你认为有什么影响? 澶渊之盟发生在什么时候? 尹岗镇西蒿寨村龙头企业有哪些 脖子下面、胸部上面(有图)的皮肤常年发红怎么回事啊,好多年了,_百度知 ... 颈部皮肤病症状 颈部皮肤比脸部还要敏感,正常吗? 二房的读音二房的读音是什么 英语作文 “怎样做一个好老师” 50词左右 英语考试作文 如何成为一名优秀英语老师 怎样成为一个好的小学老师英语作文 下列哪些属于假死的状态()A、心跳停止,但呼吸尚存在B呼吸停止,但心脏在... 麻碎和假死的状态有什么不同 梦见牙松了自己把牙齿拔掉 present词组 present for you a组句子 天津市西青区有哪些高中? 什么才是酒瘾呢,有人说没有酒瘾!但是天天喝酒2~4瓶 说他有瘾,他不承 ... 以‘我爱李永波’求诗一首或伤感短信一条,只要她知道我爱她就行 求藏头诗一首 主题是(唐文哲祝你生日快乐)谢了 新买的煤气灶打不着火怎么办?_百度问一问 我是一名在校生,我想上学,不去当兵可以吗? 在读大专当兵回来还需要去上学吗 本科在校生与应届毕业生参军一样吗,有什么区别吗?如果在大二去当兵... 当兵报名了可以不去吗,求解 高考后报名参军了,想先去上大学,可以不去当兵吗 梦见体育场有什么预兆?是什么意思? 梦见节日的广场是什么意思?做梦梦见节日的广场好不好