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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 03:42



热心网友 时间:2023-11-17 23:44

tv , a 2-edged weapon

there is an old saying that the scholar knows everything without setting his feet out of the door, which becomes reality nowadays because of tv .
tv does help us know many things without going outside and asking people . what's more, there are so many ecational program on tv such as <case focus> , <110 in east> and so on , which can strengthen your knowledge and sense of legality . <English in air> , <step forward> can help broaden your horizon in the field of knowledge . but how to lessen the negative side that tv brings us ?
first of all , we should choose some positive programs , stay away from those unhealthy and sick ones . of course you can choose some entertements for joy sometimes .
secondly , we should learn to controll the time when we watch tv - making sure that you spend less that 1 hours on tv per day and no more than 1 movie on tv per week , which can guarantee you keep a healthy eyevision and keep you away from being a ll guy who spend all his time on tv .
in all , tv can also be our friend and guider if we get those 2 rules I presented in mind .



热心网友 时间:2023-11-17 23:44

Our country ancient times had a speech "scholar not to leave the gate,could know the world matter", this in was at that time not impossibleto realize, but in today, this turned the reality, it caused to beconfined at home, could know the world matter, moreover on thetelevision had many ecations contents,If < < case focusing > >, < < the East 110 > > and so on canstrengthen your legal consciousness, < < airborne English > >, < > and so on to be able to cause you tograsp more knowledge, how but will rece the television the secondarysurface influence which will bring to you? First, looked thetelevision must look at some positive upward contents, but seesvulgarly, ill health content then "respects but original it",certainly sometimes looked some entertainment pieces have not also hadmay not. Second, looked the television must have, every day looked thetelevision should better not have to surpass for 1 hour, each week aremost only can watch a movie on the television, otherwise not only cancause your nearsightedness, moreover can cause you "the televisionstupid card", all puts the energy and the time on the television. In brief, so long as grasps the attractive television and the content,can cause the television becomes you to be supposed better the friend.
教案1和许多情感目标 斗牛电影讲的什么 小龙虾怎么做最好吃 这样做能让你吃个不停 蒜蓉小龙虾怎么做好吃?在家也能吃到美味的方法 在家怎么做出好吃又美味的小龙虾? 请问石家庄哪有成人教育? 石家庄尚拓教育怎么样机构靠谱吗 石家庄国华教育提升学历靠谱吗 抗阻训练训练方法 颈椎稳定性练习——等长抗阻训练 加勒比海盗3的首映日是哪年哪月哪天? 悠悠有品续租需要卖家同意吗 租客违约主动解除合同,后面又续租 我是信道教的.在家供奉什么神最好! ...通过老子与释迦牟之口传与世人,以彰天道还是道佛只是两 道佛[dào fó]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么? 今天手表不经意掉地把表盘玻璃摔碎了劳力士满天星换多少钱 统计文员使用excel表格时一般都用些什么函数??请知道的前辈指点一下 生意人能不能带贵重的手表 If what you give me is the same thing that you gi 2010年的世界杯,有几个球场 三年级小学听的睡前故事5篇 2010年世界杯在哪里举行啊 三年级睡前童话小故事大全 世界杯场地有哪些? 谁知道,2010年世界杯的主办场馆都有哪些? 2010年南非世界杯一共有多少个比赛场地 2010世界杯有多少个比赛场地 外星人到底存在吗?要真实有力的证据 世界上真的有外星人么?拜托了各位 谢谢 火锅 和肯德基 哪个更长胖 跑中药业务赚钱吗 《穿成反派肿么破[书穿]》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源_百 ... 现在做药材生意挣钱吗? 在河北安国,安徽毫州,哪个地方能挣到钱?_百... 快船续约主教练里弗斯了吗? 美媒:科怀·伦纳德的赛季首秀就悬在快船的一场附加赛上 英国和日本哪个国家大 英国和日本哪个面积大 枣核作者是怎样续写后面故事的 蒜香和酱香哪个好吃 医学生研究生什么时候结婚生孩子 学医学的一般结婚年龄在多大 医学生多少岁结婚合适 医学生毕业后,三年规陪期间可以结婚生子吗? ...这是题目。写篇作文。谁能帮我分析一下题目的意思。该怎么写?_百度... 帮忙写篇作文作文,思考带来的快乐 帮我写篇作文,在线 我快乐,因为我拥有理想 日本的帅哥多还是韩国的帅哥多?拜托各位了 3Q 说起哈士奇,大家都喜欢称呼它们为“二哈”,哈士奇的智商怎么样呢_百度... &lt;鱼我所欲也&gt;中“所识穷乏者得我欤?”的“得”是什么意思?