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Where We Are 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 04:32



热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 10:58

歌曲名:Where We Are
专辑:Where We Are

Album: Where We Are
Westlife - Where We Are
Stay, stay where you are
I don't let me go, don't let me go
We made it this far
Oh baby stop, stop right there
I don't walk away, don't walk away
Into thin air
We survived a crash
Made it through the wreckage
Standing here at last
So perfectly written
Now where we are
Is where we're suppose to be
Where we are
Keeps the breath in me
Where we've been
We've risen from the deep
Where we're now no one can tear us apart
That's where we are
Don't, don't turn around
We gotta let, we got to let
Go of the past now
Oh feel me by your side
We're out of danger
No reason to hide
We survived the storm
Made it through the hurricane
Standing here at last
Dry despite the rain
And now where we are
Is where we're suppose to be
Where we are
Keeps the breath in me
Where we've been
We've risen from the deep
Where we're now no one can tear us apart
That's where we are
That's where we are
Stay, stay where you are
Where we are
Is where we're suppose to be
Where we are
Keeps the breath in me
Where we've been
We've risen from the deep
Where we're now no one can tear us apart
That's where we are
That's where we are


热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 10:58

歌曲名:Where We Are
专辑:Where We Are

Album: Where We Are
Westlife - Where We Are
Stay, stay where you are
I don't let me go, don't let me go
We made it this far
Oh baby stop, stop right there
I don't walk away, don't walk away
Into thin air
We survived a crash
Made it through the wreckage
Standing here at last
So perfectly written
Now where we are
Is where we're suppose to be
Where we are
Keeps the breath in me
Where we've been
We've risen from the deep
Where we're now no one can tear us apart
That's where we are
Don't, don't turn around
We gotta let, we got to let
Go of the past now
Oh feel me by your side
We're out of danger
No reason to hide
We survived the storm
Made it through the hurricane
Standing here at last
Dry despite the rain
And now where we are
Is where we're suppose to be
Where we are
Keeps the breath in me
Where we've been
We've risen from the deep
Where we're now no one can tear us apart
That's where we are
That's where we are
Stay, stay where you are
Where we are
Is where we're suppose to be
Where we are
Keeps the breath in me
Where we've been
We've risen from the deep
Where we're now no one can tear us apart
That's where we are
That's where we are

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