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sky's the limit -Instrumental Ver.- 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 04:32



热心网友 时间:2024-01-17 22:09

歌曲名:sky's the limit -Instrumental Ver.-
专辑:ペルソナ4 1【完全生产限定版】特典CD

TVアニメ『ペルソナ4 The Animation』OP
作词:Lotus Juice
glaciers of ideas importing
to my friends than exporting
to the next keeping it open
we want no closing
even without doughs our thoughts can be dope and
this mind trade no one can stop
and act of thinking is terrible to stop
we just wanna change up not drop
and my crew can rock it like uprock
life is tedious if it ain't fiowing
copy and paste? constant defaulting?
put my courage to it, begin showing off
that'sthe way we wanna live
keep going yeah
what was so much
of transparency
turned into bright expectation
my instinct tells me to keep going together
going together
it's breathtaking moments in life
addicted to it
minds craving
more and more
I'm believing
you and I can do anything
we can change the world
hey sky's the limit we can spread wings
to roadless travel together we go
I love to think through when there's a missing link
scribbing thoughts aimost kissing ink
wanna break all bad jinx in one blink
success comes from excess of stinks
it ain't easy when you work alone
but I got my crew with me to get it on
so we keep it rolling rolling on
living so wild like American born
I wanna climb to the peak bring everybody with me
everybody with me come on get down
everybody with me come on get down
we can really get it done if you get down
what was so much
of blurry vision
turned into bright clear prospection
my instinct tells me to keep going forever
going forever
everlasting moments of life
I have a feeling
minds craving
more and more
truly thinking
you and I can do anything
we can change the world
hey sky's the limit we can spread wings
to roadless travel together we go
anytime you need a hand
I will be there
I know that you'll be there for me because
it's breathtaking moments in life
addicted to it
minds craving
more and more
I'm believing
you and I can do anything
we can change the world
hey sky's the limit we can spread wings
to roadless travel together we go

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