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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-10 05:12



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 10:01

rosette的 crushed


Rosette -- Crushed

I told myself, today was going to be the day.
No more excuses, cause I knew exactly what to say.
Was gonna make my play, but just like yesterday.
My mind erased, and I let the moment slip away.
Another night, got me sitting here all on my own .
Picking up the phone, but I can't get passed the dial tone.
Wrakking my brain, going insane, again and again,
I can't keep going this way.

Crushed by the sweetest lips I never kissed.
And your fingertips and the warmest touch
that I've always missed.
Crushed by the softest hands I never held.
probably never tell,
you're the strongest love that I’ve ever felt.
Crushed that I haven't ever let you know,
how it always goes, cause I lose my nerve
whenever you get close.
And so I'm left,short-of-breath,
with that heavy feeling in my chest.
Baby I'm so crushed.

So I tell myself, that tomorrow's gonna be the day.
And I keep on telling myself that I'm gonna find a way.
And I won't be afraid just like yesterday,
Won't walk away, Never gonna let another chance slip away.
Cause I gotta know, whichever way it's gonna go.
Risk my heart and soul cause there can never be no more.
Wrakking my brain, going insane, again and again,
I won't keep going this way.

Crushed by the sweetest lips I never kissed.
And your fingertips and the warmest touch
that I've always missed.
Crushed by the softest hands I never held.
probably never tell,
you're the strongest love that I’ve ever felt.
Crushed that I haven't ever let you know,
how it always goes, cause I lose my nerve
whenever you get close.
And so I'm left,short-of-breath,
with that heavy feeling in my chest.
Baby I'm so crushed.

Crushing I'm so into you, don't know what i'm going to do.
Gotta find a way to you. I don’t know just what to do.
Crushing I'm so into you, don't know what i'm going to do.
Gotta find a way to you. Ohh, I.
Crushing I'm so into you, don't know what i'm going to do.
Gotta find a way to you.
And so I'm left,short-of-breath, with that heavy feeling in my chest.
Baby I'm so crushed.

Crushed by the sweetest lips I never kissed.
And your fingertips and the warmest touch
that I've always missed.
Crushed by the softest hands I never held.
probably never tell,
you're the strongest love that I’ve ever felt.
Crushed that I haven't ever let you know,
how it always goes, cause I lose my nerve
whenever you get close.
And so I'm left,short-of-breath,
with that heavy feeling in my chest.
Baby I'm so crushed.

Crushing I'm so into you, don't know what i'm going to do.
Gotta find a way to you.(and I wanna stress that I always missed)
Crushing I'm so into you, don't know what i'm going to do.
Gotta find a way to you.(strongest love I ever felt)
Crushing I'm so into you, don't know what i'm going to do.
Gotta find a way to you.

And so I'm left,short-of-breath, with that heavy feeling in my chest.
Baby I'm so (crushed)..


热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 10:01

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