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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 05:53



热心网友 时间:2023-10-04 03:25

love is a battlefield




love is a battlefield
(Pat Benatar)

I live on a battlefield
Surrounding by the ruins of a love we built
And them destroyed between us
The smoke has cleared
As i stumble through the rubble
I'm dazed, seeing double
And i'm truly mystified

My new home is a shell-hole filled
With tears and muddy water
And bits of broken heart
All around, there is desolation
Scenes of devestation
Of a love been torn apart

I live on a battlefield
Though one where not one
Single drop of blood has spilled
Is no less horryfying
Sweet memories
Of a bygone situation
Lie shattered, torn and battered
And scattered all around

My new home is a shell-hole filled
With tears and muddy water
And bits of broken heart
All around, there is desolation
Scenes of devestation
Of a love been torn apart

Everything that can, has gone wrong
It's gonna take spine to carry on
Like a drownin' woman coming up for air
I'm looking for another survivor
I can't see one anywhere

My new home is a shell-hole filled
With tears and muddy water
And bits of broken heart
All around, there is desolation
Scenes of devestation
Of a love been torn apart

I live on a battlefield, hey
I live on a battlefield, hey
Can't go on, baby
Tears and muddy water
Scattered all around me, babe
I live on a battlefield
I live on a battlefield

热心网友 时间:2023-10-04 03:25

是麦当娜大姐唱的Carzy for you

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