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The monkeys are in the first cage nearest to the zoo gate .是什么...

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 21:31



中学时学过一篇猴子和鳄鱼的英语课文,其中一句“use your head then yo...

One day a little monkey was playing in a tall tree by the river .A crocodile was swimming slowly near the bank with her baby .She looked around for some food .Suddenly she saw the monkey. “Aha ,there’s my meal ,”she thought .She then turned to her son , “Do you ...

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One Day at the ZooOn my visit to the Zoo their were many interesting animals that grabbed my attention. The first animal was the Black Necked Swan which is also known by its scientific name Cygnus Melan Coryphus. This bird appeared to be very fortable in its new environment at...

if you t___to some towns in India,you will be lucky enough to b...

these monkeys are always ready to serve you. Hungry, you only need to point to your own stomach and they’ll lead you to the nearest restaurant. Thirsty, the monkeys


靠近 The school is next to the zoo. 45 next to 紧靠,接近,最贴近 (同上0 46 between ad. 在中间; prep. 在...之间 The living room is beetween the bathroom and the kitchen. 47 front n. 前面,开头,前线; v. 面对,朝向,对付 48 in front of 在...前面 The hospital is in front of ...


Some monkeys live in the zoo. Children love to see them. They often give some bananas to the monkeys. .Monkeys often stay in trees and jump between them. When they are happy, they will act for visitors. It’s very funny. My Favorite Animal英语作文 篇21 My favourite animal is dog. ...


(5) 用在表示方位的名词前面.如:There will be strong wind to the south of the Yangtze River.(长江以南地 区将会刮大风.)(6) 在序数词和形容词最高级的前面.如:Who is the first one to go?(谁第一个去? ) / Of all the stars, the sun is the nearest to the earth.(在所有...


Today is Sunday, my parents and I go to the zoo. There are many animals in the zoo. There are tigers, lions, crocodiles,elephants, bears, monkeys, dolphins, peacocks, penguins and many other animals.My favorite animal is dolphin. It is very lovely and clever. I have a good...


(5)用在表示方位的名词前面。如:There will be strong wind to the south of the Yangtze River.(长江以南地 区将会刮大风。)(6)在序数词和形容词最高级的前面。如:Who is the first one to go?(谁第一个去?) / Of all the stars, the sun is the nearest to the earth.(在所有...

if you travel in some areas in india,you

the monkeys will lead you to a bar. Tired, you put both of your hands behind your head and the monkeys will take you to the nearest hotel. Don’t feel puzzled(困惑) when they put out their hairy hands to you after the service is done. They are just asking for a little...

nearestrelation nearest neighbor nearest station monkeys是什么 monkeys是什么意思啊 the monkeys are monkeys and hats nearest hospital three monkeys
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