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A room without books is like a body without a soal

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-12 14:52



热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 10:08



        说到读书,我们常常感动于一些影片中的父亲或者母亲在孩子入睡前的温馨伴读,我们常常佩服那些在人来人往的喧嚣中能够从书中找到一份宁静的人,我们常常羡慕那些因为读书而由内向外散发出“气自华”的名人、偶像也包括无数身边的这样的人 ......


        最近这段时间一直在学习着“持续默读”-Sustained Silent Reading 这一话题,并搜索着相关的文章进行阅读、学习和思考。从网络上看到实验班老师的实践,我能够强烈感受到的是:简单的事情坚持做就是不简单。持续默读,我想便是如此。只要我们宏观*远瞩,微观重视细节。不论是基于学校层面的全面展开,还是面向自己授课班级的实际操作,只要我们勤于学习、勇于实践、善于反思,我们就一定能够在激发学生浓厚的阅读兴趣、培养学生良好的阅读习惯上收获良多、获益匪浅的。 

          由外语教学与研究出版社出版的《小学英语分级阅读教学:意义、内涵与途径》一书中特别提到:持续默读是指教师和学生一起在每天特定的时间段(通常是5到15分钟),不受其他事情的干扰自主默读,并且读后不必进行相关阅读测试或者报告。“持续默读”到底有何特点?“持续默读”的优势体现在何处?带着这样的问题在网络上进行搜索学习。终于找到The advantages of Sustained Silent Reading,仔细阅读,颇为受用,愿丰富的资源也照亮更多志同道合的您。

The advantages of

Sustained Silent Reading

Sustained silent reading, also known as SSR, is independent, quiet reading. A block of time -- typically 10 to 30 minutes -- is regularly devoted to recreational reading. Many teachers incorporate this approach in classrooms, and some administrators have instituted schoolwide SSR programs. Since reading is an indivial act for the most part, it is natural to read silently. When teachers or parents offer sustained silent reading time, children reap the benefits.

Enhances Reading Enjoyment

Readers choose their own materials for sustained silent reading, so children can pick books of interest. Alts must ensure that children are given many options. Parents and teachers can take kids to the library and let them pick books using the five finger test. The child reads a random page in a book. He extends one finger for each word he doesn't know. If he puts out four or five fingers, the book is probably too difficult. When they are given the freedom to choose, kids discover stories that appeal to them, and they develop a positive attitude toward reading. There are no tests or questions to answer, so the pressure is off. They are reading for the pure joy of reading.

Increases Comprehension

Readers don't have to pay as much attention to the pronunciation of every single word when they read silently, so they can concentrate on reading for understanding. As vocabulary, fluency and motivation increase, so does comprehension. Children read books at their own level and their own pace. They can visualize and interpret the words in their own way. Some teachers provide time after SSR for students to share their thoughts on the books they're reading. This helps them recall, and it reinforces comprehension. Students are required to read silently for standardized tests, and sustained silent reading provides effective practice.

Builds Vocabulary

Silent reading provides the opportunity to learn the meanings of many new words in context. Kids are able to discover word definitions in an interesting way without any direct instruction. They tend to be more open to this method of learning new words than they would be if they were involved in intensive, forced vocabulary instruction. Children will apply the word attack skills they've learned to figure out new words on their own.

Improves Writing Skills

There is a well-established link between reading and writing. When children are engrossed in silent reading, they observe a variety of writing styles and sentence structures that influence their own writing styles. Since they are able to concentrate on the words they're reading, grammar and spelling typically improve. Consistent, independent reading inspires a creative thought process that transfers to the written word. Some teachers combine sustained silent writing with SSR. After the students read silently, they write in dialogue journals to reflect on what they've just read. The teacher doesn't correct the writing, she simply responds, using corrected spelling words and grammar structures in her response.
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