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请帮忙翻译为英文, thanks!

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-15 13:40



热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 03:50

I'm sent from XX pany
my name is May. Our pany received a paid on 1August
the amount is $12500.00.But we cant check the detail for this payment
can you provide the payment of invoice ? In addition
our pany has the following condition request
hope for your co-operation ! 1.) Please show the invoice number for each payment is better for both of us . 2.) If has any dected money
please be sure to provide your pany charge information. Thank you for yor cooperation and waiting for your reply ! Best Regards ! 2011-08-18 15:14:41 补充: Has a question about the goods payment of xx pany ?
如果是电邮不需 Re: Inquiry on invoice payment 这句放在电邮标题便可。 我是XX公司May 也不需要,下款已经列明。 Dear Mr. YY
Re: Inquiry on invoice payment We received from your pany a sum of US$12
500 on 1 August but we cannot locate the invoice for which the sum was paid. Can you please provide us the details of the payment? We would appreciate if you will do the following to facilitate our accounting process. 1. List the invoice numbers on each payment. 2. When money is dected from the invoiced amount
provide detailed information on the dection. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Thank you. May XX Company
I am XX pany May
this department receives one which in August 1 the expensive department pays to lend U$12500
but which invoice number is this department unable to check pays
whether to help to provide? Moreover
this department has following request
looks at expensive Si Neng to coordinate: 1. For bilateral pany account clear consistent
whether each time to pay the lo
which invoice number lists pays? 2. If has withholds the lo
please the expensive department by all me must provide cuts payment related the material. The above hopes the reply
and please expensive Si Neng coordinate
to thank! Wishes business to be auspicious! The related xx pany gathers the lo question
I am XX pany May
this department receives one which in August 1 the expensive department pays to lend U$12500
but which invoice number is this department unable to check pays
whether to help to provide? Moreover
this department has following request
looks at expensive Si Neng to coordinate: 1. For bilateral pany account clear consistent
whether each time to pay the lo
which invoice number lists pays? 2. If has withholds the lo
please the expensive department by all me must provide cuts payment related the material. The above hopes the reply
and please expensive Si Neng coordinate
to thank! Wishes business to be auspicious!
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