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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 20:44



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 06:20

机器学习(Machine Learning)是研究计算机怎样模拟或实现人类的学习行为,以获取新的知识或技能,重新组织已有的知识结构使之不断改善自身的性能。它是人工智能的核心,是使计算机具有智能的根本途径,其应用遍及人工智能的各个领域,它主要使用归纳、综合而不是演译。



Machine learning (Machine Learning) is to study how computer simulation or the realization of human learning, to acquire new knowledge or skills, the knowledge structure has been reorganized to continually improve their own performance. It is the core of artificial intelligence, wisdom is a fundamental way to the computer, its applications across all areas of artificial intelligence, summarized its main use, but not when it comes to interpretation of the integrated. Learning ability is a very important wisdom acts features, but so far it is not clear mechanisms for learning. People have given various definitions machine learning. H.A.Simon believe that learning is the adaptive system changes that the next system to complete the same or similar tasks more effectively. R.s.Michalski believe that learning is constructed or modified to experience things said. It is engaged in the development of expert systems that learning is the acquisition of knowledge. These views have different emphases, and the first point of the study emphasized external effects, and the second is that the internal learning process, and a third mainly works from the knowledge of the utility perspective. Machine learning in artificial intelligence research a very important position. Does not have a system to be able to learn wisdom is a true intelligent system, but the system is a general lack of wisdom and ability. For example, they can not be self - encounter error correction; Will not improve their performance through experience; Not automatically obtain the required knowledge and discovery. Their reasoning is limited to interpretation and lack summarized, and therefore not only have to prove the existence of facts, axioms, and not found new theorem, the law and rules. With the in-depth development of artificial intelligence, demonstrated these limitations are becoming even more prominent. It is precisely in such circumstances, machine learning has graally become one of the core artificial intelligence research. Its application has spread all branches of artificial intelligence, such as expert systems, automated reasoning, natural language understanding, recognition, computer vision, smart robots, and other fields. Which is especially typical expert system knowledge acquisition bottlenecks, people have been trying to use machine learning methods to overcome. Machine learning research is based on physiology, cognitive science understanding of the mechanisms of human learning, human learning process for the establishment of model or models of understanding, the development of learning theory and learning methods, a study of theoretical learning algorithms and analysis, the creation of specific task-oriented applications learning system. These studies aim to promote mutual interaction.
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