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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-08 16:08



热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 18:17

Last Saturday, I went to my hometown to visit my grandmothers.
My father drove me to the Old People's Home,but my grandmother (the mother of my father's) wasn't there.The dean of the house said that she had gone home by bike because the weather was fine. Then my father drove me to my grandmother's home. My grandma was happy to meet me after a nap at noon.
After that, I called my grandma (the mother of my mother's) .She was playing with other old people, so we just talked on the phone.
On Sunday, I has classes with my classmates. We were very tired after having classes all day.We had KFC for supper, and she bought a pair of new shoes.
I had a happy weekend . 说明一下:翻译的最高境界是信达雅,大多情况下不用字字翻译,只要能把原文所描述的情景表达出来就可以了。

热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 18:17

Last Saturday,I went back to my hometown to visit my paternal grandmother and maternal grandmother.
Dad drove me to the gerocomium,but paternal grandmother was not there,the director of the gerocomium said paternal grandmother had already gone back home by bike because the weather was good.Then father take me to paternal grandmother's home,paternal grandmother just woke up from noon nap,and was very happy when she saw me.
Then I call my maternal grandmother,because she was playing mahjong with several old people,I didn't go to visit her,and just talk for a while on the phone.(on the phone中的on是以什么方式的意思,因此不用in).
On Sunday,I had a class junior school classmate in cram school,after the whole day in having class,we felt tired,so we go to KFC to have dinner,at last I went shopping with her and she bought a pair of shoes.
This weedend I make good use of my time.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 18:18

A week on Saturday, I returned to my hometown went to see my grandma and grandma.

Dad drove a car drove me to the nursing home, but grandma not there, listen to the dean said she because the weather is good, ride back to his home. Dad took me to the grandma's, grandma's sleep after nap, saw me happy.

Then I will give my maternal grandmother dozen telephone, because grandma in and some old ones play mahjong so I didn't go to see her, only is said by telephone for a few words.

On Sunday, I and junior high school classmates went to BuKeBan lectures, listen to a full day of class we really exhausted went to KFC supper rest, finally I accompany her to go shopping to buy a pair of shoes.

This weekend I'm very substantial.


热心网友 时间:2023-09-12 18:18

A week on Saturday, I returned to my hometown went to see my grandma and grandma.
Dad drove a car drove me to the nursing home, but grandma not there, listen to the dean said she because the weather is good, ride back to his home. Dad took me to the grandma's, grandma's sleep after nap, saw me happy.
Then I will give my maternal grandmother dozen telephone, because grandma in and some old ones play mahjong so I didn't go to see her, only is said by telephone for a few words.
On Sunday, I and junior high school classmates went to BuKeBan lectures, listen to a full day of class we really exhausted went to KFC supper rest, finally I accompany her to go shopping to buy a pair of shoes.
This weekend I'm very substantial
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