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英语翻译句子 汉译英

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-20 05:02



热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 06:29

1. In accordance with your request, it sent 2 samples of Chinese cotton.
2. Factory received the order too much, we can only promise to ship in March.
3. Herewith return to a sales contract, the contract we have countersigned.
4. Do you have to do is 2%, or no transaction possible.
5. If not for your specific instructions, our usual practice will cover WPA and War

热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 06:29

1. According to your request, we are the Chinese cotton samples by two copies.
2 factories got too much, we can order to march shipment.
3 this enclose a copy of the sales contract, return the contract we have sign.
4 you have to rece your price by 2%, otherwise not clinch a deal.
5 if not you specific instructions, we will press general practice wpa and war

热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 06:30

1. According to your request, we are the Chinese cotton samples by two copies.
2 factories got too much, we can order to march shipment.
3 this enclose a copy of the sales contract, return the contract we have sign.
4 you have to rece your price by 2%, otherwise not clinch a deal.
5 if not you specific instructions, we will press general practice wpa and war

1. According to your request, we are the Chinese cotton samples by two copies.
2 factories got too much, we can order to march shipment.
3 this enclose a copy of the sales contract, return the contract we have sign.
4 you have to rece your price by 2%, otherwise not clinch a deal.
5 if not you specific instructions, we will press general practice wpa and war

热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 06:30

1. According to your request, we are the Chinese cotton samples by two copies.
2 factories got too much, we can order to march shipment.
3 this enclose a copy of the sales contract, return the contract we have sign.
4 you have to rece your price by 2%, otherwise not clinch a deal.
5 if not you specific instructions, we will press general practice wpa and war
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