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谁能给我提供“beauty is more than skin deep”的演讲稿?急!

发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-20 14:40



热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 23:21

"美丽不只限于外表" 这句谚语可追溯到英国诗人, 散文家THOMASOVERBURY,(1581-1613)约1定6定1定3定年所写的诗篇<妻子>(AWIFE). 此格言有多种其他的变化形式: Beauty is but skin-deep. Beauty is only skin-deep in the eye of the beholder. Beauty isn't always skin-deep. Beauty is only skin-deep, but ugly goes to the bone. .... eg: beauty may be more than skin deep, but first impressions do make a difference. ---Debra Lee Baldwin, "Let's Face It. " Sunday Star-Ledger 美也许不只局限于外表, 但第一印象的确会很重要. 有一篇报道,与你的题目很类似,稍加改动,也许可以当演讲稿使用,现摘录如下,仅供参考. Burn victims show that beauty is more than skin deep August 3, 2006 - While some burn victims may feel like outcasts, one survivor wants people to know they are just like everyone else. From a medical standpoint the experiences can be grueling. From a psychological perspective it can be more traumatizing. "What's the difference between boogers and broccoli with little kids?" said Lonnie Boyd,14. "Kids won't eat broccoli." Lonnie Boyd has an amazing personality, especially considering everything he has been through. "On my brother Devon's birthday in 1995, our house caught on fire and there was no way for us to get out so we were trapped," Lonnie said. He and Devon got out, but not their two-month-old sister Stormy. Eighty percent of Lonnie's body was burned. He and his brother became a patient at Larabida's Hospital on Chicago's South Side. "I had to go through a lot of surgery," said Lonnie. "A lot of rehab exercises and I went though many things. Emotional distress, guilt and all different type of emotions." Grandmother Doris Murray says it was hard for the boys to grow up. "They had to wear what's referred to as Jobes skin tight and they would have to go out into the community with these masks and honestly the children would become so frightened," she said. "My heart would always just ache inside," said Doris. "When they felt rejected because of how they looked, they learned to approach people staring at them by saying, 'Hi I'm Devon, I'm Lonnie, I'm a burn survivor, how are you?'." Dr. Brad Stolbach is the child psychologist at Larabida. He says a significant part of the healing process for burn patients is dealing with other people. "Because they look different, a lot of burn survivors find ways to ecate people with what's happened to them and the fact that they're not scary and people don't have to be afraid of them," said Dr. Stolbach. Lonnie and his brother Devon are incredible survivors. "I think they are perfect examples of people who have had horrible experiences and have not let it define them," said Dr. Stolbach. "They have moved on from it and can talk about it in order to help other people who have gone through similar things." "He'll tell you 'I'm a handsome guy and I say you're a very handsome guy, " said Doris of her son. Later this month, Lonnie will be joining his brother at Loyola Acade

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