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八年级my future 英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 21:57



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 21:51

中文:我的未来 “未来”这个存在着无限幻想的词汇!对于未来,我们有太多的幻想空间,我们永远不知道未来会发生什么?但至少我们可以去幻想,去幻想美好的未来。或许未来不是你所幻想的那样,但至少你的幻想可以当做一个美丽的梦!在这个梦中,你随心所欲,做一切你想做的事,做一个你认为最完美的你!“未来”是一个值得关注的焦点,值得我们去关注的*! “未来”——充满着无限美好!或许现在的卧室一个懒散、不爱学习、又不听父母话的孩子。那么我将幻想未来的我是一个勤劳、刻苦学习、又乖巧的女儿;或许现在的我是一个懦弱、动不动就流泪的、非常胆小的女孩,那么我将幻想未来的我是一个坚强、勇敢、不再流泪的女强人;或许现在的我是一个任人欺负的小绵羊,那么我将幻想未来的我是一个武林高手,让那些人听到我的名字就不寒而栗······ “未来”——充满着无限向往!我幻想我的未来每天都是晴空万里,天边永远挂着想棒棒糖一样美丽七彩的彩虹;在我工作的地方充满着笑声,一直传到很远很远的地方;当我到学校回想往事的时候,可以听见朗朗的读书声;当我回到故乡的时候扑鼻而来的是花的香气、大地的香气、小草的香气;看到了花的娇艳、大地的坚实,小草的顽强;更重要的是孩子们的欢声笑语! 英文:my future "Future" there is existing boundless fantasy vocabulary in this! To future, we have very much fantasy space , we will never know what to may happened in future? We can get rid of fantasy but at least , get rid of fantasy bright future. Probably, future is not your institute fantasy like that, but your fantasy can at least regard as a beautiful dream! In this dream, you do as one likes , act as everything you think of the thing composing , act as a your regarding it being the most consummate you! "Future" is a focal point being worth it paying close attention to , is worth it our climax goes and paying close attention to! "Future" is being full of boundless fine! Probably, bedroom now one indolent , does not love the child who studies , not listening to parents words's. Then I with my be that one is diligent , study assiously , cute fantasy future daughter; Probably now's I am a cowardly , easily burst into tears , very yellow-bellied girl , my general fantasy is then future I am a able woman who firm , brave , bursts into tears no longer; Probably now's I am one at other's wish small sheep bullying, my general fantasy is so future I am a world or circle of wushu past master , the name let those person hear me is full of with regard to very frightened ······ "future" yearn for that boundlessly! My fantasy my coming every day all is a clear and boundless sky , remotest places thinks of lollipop kind of seven colored beautiful rainbow being hanging forever; Local working in me is full of laughter , is concting till very far very distant place; While I recall past events to school, can hear bright reading a book; The fragrance being multicolored fragrance , the earth , for a short time careless fragrance assailing the nostrils but coming while I return to hometown; Solidity having seen multicolored tenderness and beauy , the earth , for a short time careless indomitableness; More important be cheering and laughing of the children!
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