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请求帮忙翻译一段电子商务文章 翻译成英文 谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 21:40



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 18:23

Transfer aspect in the instry direction first, the sea Er has already carried out a network to turn a management, network to turn a marketing, network to turn service and network to turn a purchase, and depends on the sea Er brand influence with have already have of the market go together with to send, service network, for lay solid foundation toward the electronic commerce transition.Transfer aspect in the management, the management system of the pyramid type of traditional business enterprise in no case adapts the demand of market development, so pulled down "pyramid" to build up to take market as the new process of target in managing a mechanism, the main target of business enterprise is maximize by the past profits to change direction to take customer as center and take market as center.At the business enterprise inner part, everybody want from past"be responsible for the superior" the change is for"be responsible for the market".The sea Er group still established a logistics, company to flow, the funds flow three flow of push forward this department."The third profits source" of logistics conct and actions direct from the international rchke department buy, lowered cost, raised the competition ability of proct, the company once circulated integration resources to lower expenses to raise a performance;The funds flows to promise then that the funds flows to turn smoothly.
The sea Er owns more complete marketing system, there are more than 40 telephone service centers in national big city City and more than 10,000 marketing nets order and even extend to more than 60,000 villages.This be why some websites to order of the district be limited to make but the sea Er be the reason that can go together with to send in national realization inside the scope.
Four, the sea Er electronic commerce terrace build
The sea Er is the first company which gets into electronic commerce business in the local and large business enterprise and the initiative releases electronic commerce business terrace.We isn't for the sake of the concept and the topic to fry to make, but want to get into the world economy that the integral whole turn, invested over 100,000,000 dollars to build up own IT support terrace for the this sea Er total amount and serve for the electronic commerce.
There is internal net in the group inner part and there is support system of the ERP backstage currently.We have 7 instrial parks now and everyplace still has Gong Mao4 company and factory, the information of its delivers mutually, and support which has no internal network can't imagine.The application of various information system(for example material management system, retail management system, telephone center, the C3 P system etc.) also goes deep into day by day.The sea Er is with the business enterprise internal network and the business enterprise internal information system is a foundation, take Internet(exterior net, the sea Er has built up own website since the end of 96 years) as window way and build to have real electronic commerce terrace.
Certainly, carry on the electronic commerce isn't a wishful matter, have to not only have an everyone the foundation preparation of the noodles, but also need to let the dealer and consumer accept, then can smoothly carry out so.We was dealers, supplier and consumer to provide one simple, the operability strong electronic commerce terrace, and carried on the training of follow the sequence and advance graally type, and at the terrace design of time in consideration of how for apply to provide convenience and help, connect the design of electronic commerce terrace we also followed to take customer as is central of principle.So just can let our business the colleague together develops with us with growth.
Five, prospect
The electronic commerce terrace of sea Er becomes a development public terrace, can not only sell the proct of sea Er, but also will sell each kind of other procts;Can not only contribute efforts to the purchase need of the oneself of sea Er, also will for the third square buy and go together with to send to serve us and will keep and enhance two advantages
Six, take"1 two nets" as foundation, keep zero distances with customer, quickly satisfy the customer's characteristic need
The ages of the INTERNET is an information explosion of ages, the sea Er wants to make use of an information to carry on a development.Pass a website, the sea Er can collect a great deal of customer's information and feedback.These customer's trust to the sea Er and loyalty are the biggest wealths in sea Er.Currently on the website of sea Er, in addition to the on-line order sale announce new procts function, the biggest special features has four greatest molds of face the customers a piece:Characteristic make to order, the proct intelligence lead to buy, the new proct is on-line to schele to, customer design suggestion.These provided an original information service for the customer, and make website real to become sea Er and customer to keep the terrace of zero distances.
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