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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 21:24



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 15:50


【process is more important than a result】

Which Is More Important,Result or Process?

There is no doubt that anyone expects a good result when doing something.Hower,sometimes we have spent much of our money and time but a result doesn't occur.Which is more important,result or process?
In my opinion,process is more important than a result.A process means that we have devoted our energy and time or even money to the work,we don't feel sorry for ourselves though a result is not gained.We can control our work,our time or even our money,which makes up the process,but we can't control the result.As we all know,a result depends on many factors,like chance,occasion,and even luck. But process is a ture precious treasure.



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 15:50

The process and the result, which one is more import to you ? Different people have different ideas. Some people take it for granted that the result is more important, because they think the result can make all the difference between success and failure,On the contrary, some other people think the process is more important. I agree with the latter one.in my opinion, we can gain more form the process whether success or failure,
“Can enjoy the happiness in the process was successful” it means that you should know when you can get from the process instead of the result .
给你个大概方向其他的自己写吧,这样对你比较好,后面的话列出优点,再总结一下就好了,请采纳 PS:我的是自己写的 哦

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 15:51

Which Is More Important,Result or Process?
There is no doubt that anyone expects a good result when doing something.Hower,sometimes we have spent much of our money and time but a result doesn't occur.Which is more important,result or process?
In my opinion,process is more important than a result.A process means that we have devoted our energy and time or even money to the work,we don't feel sorry for ourselves though a result is not gained.We can control our work,our time or even our money,which makes up the process,but we can't control the result.As we all know,a result depends on many factors,like chance,occasion,and even luck.
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