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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 21:46



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 19:44

题主的很多用语在英文中没有准确对应,故此对句子结构和语序做了一些调整,并替换了一些词语,比如将“我国”和“在我国”换成"China"和“in China”,使得文句更符合英文地道用法。
Upon the formal institution of Second-Child Policy, preschool ecation instry in China is facing unprecedented challenge. The period between 3 and 6 years old is regarded a golden time for developmental child psychology, and preschool ecation, which by specializing on this period help prepare children for their future ecation in school, should be of primary importance among various tasks undertaken by the government and local ecation authorities and be planned ahead for the impending impact brought along by Second-Child Policy. Therefore, through an understanding of the present situation of preschool ecation in our country and examination of the positive meaning of Second-Child Policy, this passage tries to analyse the long-term imapct of Second-Child Policy on future development of preschool ecation in China. In detail, this passages tries to look over the opportunities and challenges of the institution of Second-Child Policy on preschool ecation instry, and based on that tries to present a strategy in an ecation environment in which most families have two children.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 19:44

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