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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 21:46



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 19:44

Many people think that Chinese folk and bel canto this two completely different vocal art is difficult to fusion.

But WuBiXia confirmed that the two completely different art form in a person is able to complete reflect.

Her success, bridge the gap between the Chinese and western vocality art broken.

She sings to make its most profound impression was her rich artistic expression and artistic appeal, pure, pure, sweet tone and superb excellent singing skills, is known as "of match well of Chinese and western nightingale".

Hope through to the WuBiXia singing style, see China simple the prospect of ethnic vocal towards the world, in order to finish in the west vocality art found perfecting balance between, let WuBiXia success will not stay in a person's "miracle".

关键词 吴碧霞;
Keywords WuBiXia;

The road to success;

Singing style;

That Chinese and western blends;

Social influence;

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 19:44

Many people think that Chinese folk and bel canto this two completely different vocal art is difficult to fusion. But WuBiXia confirmed that the two completely different art form in a person is able to complete reflect. Her success, bridge the gap between the Chinese and western vocality art broken. She sings to make its most profound impression was her rich artistic expression and artistic appeal, pure, pure, sweet tone and superb excellent singing skills, is known as "of match well of Chinese and western nightingale". Hope through to the WuBiXia singing style, see China simple the prospect of ethnic vocal towards the world, in order to finish in the west vocality art found perfecting balance between, let WuBiXia success will not stay in a person's "miracle".

Keywords WuBiXia; The road to success; Singing style; That Chinese and western blends; Social influence;

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 19:45


热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 19:45

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