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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 19:42



热心网友 时间:2022-06-16 19:48

摘要翻译,英语 语法修改
qq 804989982
e-mail hsp697398@163.com

热心网友 时间:2022-06-16 19:49

I'm a radiology little doctor, recently need because of the job, need to issue some English radiologic reports, but the limited capacity of indivials, not familiar to English grammar, to learn, following a report, characteristic, want to master please help to translate, for the convenience of all, some medical name. Placed in square brackets < >, in addition, X-ray reports is to image as the foundation, so a lot of organs of both with a " shadow", such as the heart shadow, referred to as the heart, etc..

The text is as follows ( in bold text, the annotation ):

Thoracic slightly" tubby" < slightly, here is an adverb of degree, can be understood as a mean. Thoracic, thorax >, < lung marking > double lung texture slightly increased, crude, right lung deposition < in the right upper lung, the upper field of the right lung > < transparency > rece transmittance, left lung Ueno visible multiple < multiple >, < single > patchy single fuzzy image < patchy lesions > ( exudative) and nodose < point-nole >, cord-like < stripes > < high density > high density shadow ( calcification < calcification >, < fibrosis >, fibrosis ) part state < margin > clear < well-defined >, < ill-defined > part of fuzzy, in which fuzzy shadow, which contain two visible plane < fluid level > limitations < regional > < transparent area > transparent area, with empty < cavity > performance. The lesions < lesion > and < left lung hila left hilar > close contact. The right lung deposition saw a small circular shadows of high density, about the size of2.3 *3.5 cm, the edge of the visible two small notch < two notches > and fine short" burr" < short spiculae > shadows, internal uneven density, found around the satellite foci < Satellite lesions >. Other lung field no exact anomaly image. Left pleural is consistent high density shadow, on the edge of a high low arc image, and left fourth rib anterior branch of < anterior rib > walk the line, right rib diaphragm angle < costophrenic angle > display fuzzy, blunt, right hilar < lung hila > < lymph node > lymph node enlargement, tracheal < trachea >, < mediastinum >, mediastinal cardiac < shadow of the heart > rightward shift < deviation >, < diaphragm > right diaphragmatic elevation. The right superior mediastinum < mediastinum > visible a smooth edge clear block artifact < a mass lesion with a smooth, well-defined margin >, < protrudes into the right protruding into the lung field for around5cm > right lung field of about 5cm, lesions < the lesion > < mediastinum > formed with mediastinal angle is an obtuse angle. The film < the right lateral view shows > < lesion > display the lesions located in the anterior mediastinum < anterior mediastinum >. The left sixth rib < rib > < old fracture > old fracture phenomenon. Cardiac transverse diameter increased significantly, to the left atrium < left atrium >, < left ventricle > left ventricular enlargement, cardiothoracic ratio < cardiothoracic ratio >0.60. The aortic arch < aortic arch > tortuosity and calcification, pulmonary artery segment protrudes < prominence of pulmonary artery segment >, right lower pulmonary trunk < right lower pulmonary artery > thickening, its width larger than 1.5 cm. The right superior mediastinum < right upper mediastinum > next visible pulmonary lobe < azygos lobe >, < a normal variation is a normal variant >. The horizontal fissure < horizontal fissure > downward shift. The right lower chest and loculated pleural effusion < encapsulated pleural effusion >. Left rib diaphragm angle < the left costophrenic angle > < pleural adhesion > pleural adhesion. The left piece < the left lateral view shows > < mediastinum > after upper mediastinum in a ball shape high density image, and esophageal < esophagus > close contact, considered as esophageal lesions < space occupying lesion >. After mediastinal nolar shadows of high density, and thoracic < thoracic vertebra > overlap, considering for neurogenic tumors < neurogenic tumor > probability.追问别用百度软件翻译啊


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