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麻烦翻译下撒 色色

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 23:22



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 17:01

The city has developed the traveling main body, the object, the form, the content and the significance, simultaneously promoted the traveling instry and urban development win-win, formed the city to be comprehensively coordinated the sustainable development the positive cycle system. Travels the sustainable development to propose that the traveling is modern people's need, also will be the future person's need, the tourism more must depend upon the natural environment, the human inheritance as well as the modern age highly civilized. However, the traveling development which carries on by the economical driving influence, the tourist resources encounters the heavy damage, travelled to the local economy, the society has had many negative influences; The tourism activity proces the pollution, like the sewage, the solid waste gas, the airplane and the automobile proce the noise and the air pollution and so on have brought the heavy environment price for the local resident. This kind sacrifices the environment resources to continue the value to gain the short-term economic efficiency traveling not to be impossible the sustained development. Travels the sustainable development is the people responds positively to the sustainable development subject with the profound understanding. The tourism is developing graally into supports the urban economy the important instry, many cities to be developing into a tourist city to try hard, thus, the research appears regarding urban tourism development's sustainable especially important. The city travels the sustainable development to in travel under sustainable development theory covering

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 17:02

Expansion of the tourist city of subject, object, the form, content and meaning, while promoting the tourism instry and urban development are a win-win situation, and formed a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of cities healthy circulatory system. Tourism to the sustainable development of tourism is a modern needs, but also the needs of the future, the tourism instry should rely on more natural environment, heritage, as well as the height of modern civilization. However, the driving force behind the economy's tourism, and tourism resources have been seriously damaged, tourism on the local economy, the community a lot of the negative impact of pollution from tourism activities, such as sewage, solid emissions of aircraft and vehicles the noise and air pollution to the local residents of a heavy environmental price. This environmental resources at the expense of the continuing value to obtain short-term economic benefits of tourism can not be sustainable development. Sustainable tourism development is the theme of sustainable development of a positive response and deep understanding. Development of the tourism instry is graally becoming an important economic support urban instries, many cities are to develop and become a tourist city efforts, thus, the sustainability of urban tourism development it is particularly important to the study. Urban Sustainable Development of Tourism in the sustainable development of tourism should be covered under the theory
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