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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-21 15:55



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 18:50

Bring an umbrella, in case of rains
I knocked on the door but there was no response
I will do as much homework as possible this weekend
He sat on the seat behind the desk and began reading a magazine
If we want to learn English well, we must form the habit of reading English stories
He studied so hard that he caught up with his classmates quickly
TO foreigners, Chinese customs are new and interesting.
It was by chance that I saw my friends on the street yesterday.
What surprised us the most was that their class won the first place on the English concert
He did not leave the office until he finished his work


热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 18:50

1. Bring an umbrella, in case It rains (in case of) 2. I knocked at the door but no response (knock) 3. I will do as much as possible in the weekend homework (as... as) 4. He sat behind my desk and began to look up the magazine (seat) 5. If want to learn English well, we must form the habit of reading English story (form) 6. He studied so hard that soon caught up with the classmates (so... that) 7. For foreigners to, China's some custom both fresh and interesting (customs) 8. I was in the street yesterday happened to see my friend's (It was... that...) 9. Make us feel very surprise of their class at the English evening actually won the first award (surprise.. most 10. He didn't leave the office Until completion (not... Until)

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 18:51

1 carry an umbrella, in case it rains ( in case of ) 2 I knocked on the door but no response ( knock ) 3 on weekends I will do homework ( as... As ) 4 he sat behind the desk and began to read a magazine ( seat ) 5. If you want to learn English, we must form the habit of reading English story ( form ) 6 he studied so hard that he soon caught up with my classmates ( so... That ) 7 for foreigners, some Chinese custom is fresh and interesting ( 8 customs ) is in the street yesterday I happened to see my friend ( It was... That... ) 9 make us feel very surprised their class had won the first prize in the English party ( surprise..Most ) until the completion of 10 before he left office ( not... Until )

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 18:52

Take an umbrella with you in case of the rain.
I knocked the door but there was no response.
I will do my homework at weekends as much as I can.
He was seated at the desk and reading.
If we want to learn English well, we must form the habit of reading English stories
He studied so hard that he caught up with his classmates quickly
For foreigners, some Chinese customs are new and interesting.
It was yesterday that I saw my friends on the street by chance.
What surprised us most was that their class should won the first place on the English concert.
He did not leave the office until he finished his work.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 18:52

Bring an umbrella with you in case of the rain.
I knock the door but there is no response.
I will do my homework at home as much as I can.
He is sitting on the seat behind the desk and starts reading.
If we want to learn English well, we must form the habit of reading English stories
He studied so hard that he caught up with his classmates quickly
TO foreigners, Chinese customs are new and interesting.
It was by chance that I saw my friends on the street yesterday.
What surprised us the most was that their class won the first place on the English concert.
He did not leave the office until he finished his work.
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