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英语作文上网利大于弊 要翻译的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 00:04



热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 19:52

I think it is not all bad for millde school student to search the Internet.Some students play games on line.I don't agree it at all.It has nothing to do with their study.And it will make them lose the interests of learning.But also it is very nessary for us to search the Internet.In the modern world,using computer and the Internet is an important skill.We can use it to find some information that we need and communicate with our friends,teachers and parents.Sending e-mail and check out some international news are useful for us as well.

我觉得中学学生到网上搜索一些学习资料它并不都是坏的,玩游戏我就不同意了。这与他们的学习毫无益处. 并且它将让他们失去了兴趣学习,但它也很有关我们的互联网搜索在现代世界中,利用电脑和因特网是一项很重要的技能我们可以用它来找到一些信息,我们需要和与自己的朋友交流,老师和家长发送电子邮件和一些国际新闻是有用的对我们也一样。

热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 21:10

Internet is a tool for a new era, we have information on the Internet can check to see writing, reading novels, listening to music, chat, ... ... look for materials, look at writing, reading fiction can expand our knowledge; listening to music, chat, etc. can be We relax ... ... we can see that the benefits of the Internet a lot.

Online BBS, chat rooms, OICQ, Web conferencing Shiping technical means to us and those who do not know people discussing the issue. At this point, they can get expert guidance; students are well-intentioned criticism; the teacher carefully pointing; enthusiasts can also get some answers, which can be channels of communication with others is more broad form of communication more freely.

We know that many students can access the rich resources and information. Networks is also one of our good teachers, with the development of science and technology, the computer will become increasingly sophisticated, use will be more extensive. Its birth has brought us many changes, people can use to write accurate computing writing.

Grandpa Deng Xiaoping once said; "the computer starts from children." Yes, really a lot of the benefits of the computer.

On-line, are more English language content, which, should not prompt us to a more positive learning English? This, it not better? Through the network, we can also network to some essay submissions, as a way to show your friends all over the country's own talent. At the same time, you can find enough from each other, this will progress faster.

I think that the students access more advantages than disadvantages. Hope that we can make good use of the network.
互联网是一个新时代的工具,我们已经在互联网上的信息可以检查写,读小说,听音乐,聊天,... ...查资料,看在写,读小说可以扩大我们的知识,听音乐,聊天等,我们可以放松... ...我们可以看到,很多互联网的好处。







热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 22:45

1. 必要性。这是一个知识经济的时代,信息正在以前所未有的速度膨胀和爆炸,未来的世界是网络的世界,要让我国在这个信息世界中跟上时代的步伐,作为21世纪主力军的我们,必然要能更快地适应这个高科技的社会,要具有从外界迅速、及时获取有效科学信息的能力,具有传播科学信息的能力,这就是科学素质。而因特网恰恰适应了这个要求。*爷爷不是说:"计算机要从娃娃抓起"吗?
2. 实用性。网络世界资源共享,它就像一个聚宝盆,一座取之不尽用之不竭的"富金山",谁勤于在这座金山上耕耘劳动,谁就会有所得。你可以从中最快地查找学习资料,可以学会更多课堂外的知识,并灵活地运用课内知识,促进思维的发展,培养小学生的创造力。上网还可以超越时空和经济的制约,在网上接受名校的教育,有什么问题,你也尽可以随时通过网络得到老师的指导。而且互联网上的交互式学习、丰富的三维图形展示、语言解说等多媒体内容,使得学习变得轻松、有趣,这可是任何教科书都不可能具备的哦!另外,网络上以英语的使用率和内容为最多,分别为84%和90%,这将会促使我们更积极地去学习英语,这难道不好吗?
3. 现实性。每所中小学建立电脑教室,普及网络知识,推动小学生家庭上网,实现远程教育与知识共享是为了培养小学生学习和应用信息、技术的兴趣与意识,培养我们获取、分析、处理信息的能力,这已成为势在必行了。再看看我们身边,学校的网站不正搞的红红火火,王老师不也建议大家多多去学校的网站看一看吗?班级的网站不也都在紧锣密鼓的制作吗?如果上网不好,为什么要建这些网站呢?

热心网友 时间:2022-05-03 00:36

Internet is a tool for a new era, we have information on the Internet can check to see writing, reading novels, listening to music, chat, ... ... look for materials, look at writing, reading fiction can expand our knowledge; listening to music, chat, etc. can be We relax ... ... we can see that the benefits of the Internet a lot.

Online BBS, chat rooms, OICQ, Web conferencing Shiping technical means to us and those who do not know people discussing the issue. At this point, they can get expert guidance; students are well-intentioned criticism; the teacher carefully pointing; enthusiasts can also get some answers, which can be channels of communication with others is more broad form of communication more freely.

We know that many students can access the rich resources and information. Networks is also one of our good teachers, with the development of science and technology, the computer will become increasingly sophisticated, use will be more extensive. Its birth has brought us many changes, people can use to write accurate computing writing.

Grandpa Deng Xiaoping once said; "the computer starts from children." Yes, really a lot of the benefits of the computer.

On-line, are more English language content, which, should not prompt us to a more positive learning English? This, it not better? Through the network, we can also network to some essay submissions, as a way to show your friends all over the country's own talent. At the same time, you can find enough from each other, this will progress faster.

I think that the students access more advantages than disadvantages. Hope that we can make good use of the network.


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