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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-19 13:33



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 10:12

This thesis talked a few principles of mole in the pitch Taichung of numerical video and applications in detail, among them including:Few word processing mole, the regulate keyboard mole, the mole of LED liquid crystal display, remote control mole.Pertain the search tapping that applies the system to a machine.The few word processing mole from AT89S52, TVIA5715, the SAA7113 constitution, first the video semaphore digitize, then the conversion becomes the RGB semaphore output of the non-interlaced.The mole of LED liquid crystal display mainly is forms by the SED1520, pass and the orifice steers to write the operation to 122*32 liquid crystal display plates, terminating the man-machine interaction boundary of the consumer.The remote control mole mainly is forms by the AT24C02, passing to imitate the I2C to read and write the EEPROM memory port to concur to send, terminating to read and write the operation.
The text recommended a few hardware and the software constitution of mole in the pitch Taichungs of numerical video in a specific way.The hardware fraction includes a machine connectivity and its corresponding software proceres of the few word processing mole and the mole of LED liquid crystal display.The keyboard scanning procere of parts of includings of software regulate keyboard mole, the simulation I2C of the remote control mole reads and write the procere to the EEPROM.
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