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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 16:09



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 05:57

1. True learning English a number of qualifications such as the deep of the teachers said, "interest is the best teacher." If you do not have the slightest interest in English, then English will not really very good score. Some time ago, and before meeting with old classmates and talk to the English, she said that he totally not interested in English, see English on the bored to death, I think this is bad a lot of English Student of the biggest questions facing. Look at me, very interesting study of language is one thing, by studying another language you not only have different languages and people's ability to communicate, but also to expand their horizons, there is joy of life to understand other cultures. In my efforts to find enjoyment in learning English, so that in life you will pay attention to all things English, television, advertising, film, street signs, road signs ... ... ... you will find in English on our side, are true, not lies.

2. I do not learn English "back" word. I always object to the word back, high school reading to see a large number of students a word list with a letter to back letters of words, I do not know they did not back stand back, but I am certain that, even so you back, back the living, back in quickly, then you must also forget quickly, but it is very difficult to use these words very well. In my opinion the right way to remember the words to memory through the article, as many articles or paragraphs of the article into the capacity to improve your reading, studying grammar, word memory is very useful. Article in the new words you do not know, you can check, and I want to emphasize that you should check very carefully, then put the word pronunciation, meaning, often with a note of as much as possible, and then on the article, the sentence re - re-read so well.

3. I never learn English, "learn" grammar. Now, ask me what are you Appositive, what is the attributive clause, my answer could be very difficult, I very much to these questions are not interested in grammar, which may be a lot of students are not interested. How can we not then have to study grammar, but also on the statement of the right to judge them? My solution is still the article watch many, read many articles, chapters of the article into a paragraph can be said that all the elements are the best source of study, but also the ultimate purpose of our study, if we study the better, can eat into some articles into a beautiful section of the article must also bear witness to our success.

4. Pronunciation of the most important. Language learning, pronunciation and ultimately forever. Study our mother tongue through the same ten thousand thousands of times on the pronunciation and correct for, the study of all languages are such. My proposal, is my secret of success: to put a precise pronunciation of words. Some people wrongly think the most important grammar is, in fact, such ideas are wrong, the correct pronunciation, is the starting point for all language learning. If you can read a majority of the right words, then your ability to remember words, the ability to understand the article, the ability to grasp the grammar will have a greater degree of improve. Since these are all related to the issue of language sense.

5. To be read out. I strongly urge everyone to watch many articles, not just watch, you must have to want it more than try to read out, a little bit of common sense knows that an article, in order to put him in mind and understood, than simply read out the Vision watch a lot of want a lot of faster. At the same time, you will also read out the spoken pronunciation have better help. There is a lot of us are just learning English as a mixed put check diploma, diploma means, do not really want to use them, but I want to tell you, this is the case now that you want, and there have been some, then why not put Learn English in the most likely to use that part of it away? That is colloquial pronunciation. English and may be able to understand simple spoken answer will be helpful later on in life you Oh!

6. To believe in themselves. Can have trust in their own learning these things, even the most difficult on the Chinese world will be able to say their memorization, and not to mention it just in English. Sometimes we would do this and ultimately, the health of the spirit of the Arab-Israeli q.

Well, I hope my words can help them to everyone! After all, each person is different, my usefulness of these methods on their own, and not necessarily to others useful only from the U.S. to find something to fit their own, I am very pleased, thank you.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 05:58

English is good,i want read English book.
I very love English class and English teacher!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 05:58

I try my best to learn English,but my English is very poor!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 05:59

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