发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 16:04
懂视网 时间:2022-06-14 10:49
There was once an old goat that was very, very old; he could barely walk,and was always sleepy during important emergencies. One day the goat went off toeat grass among the fields.
During the time, the goat did not realize that the goat pack had gonestraight in front of him. He had no choice but to continue straight on. As soonas he passed the hill, he found the goat pack had already crossed three othermountains… The old goat was tired of climbing and walking, so he decided torest. After a short break, he was sure that the goat pack had already wiped himaway far back behind.
The goat decided to find a place to be made a shelter for him to sleeptonight. Along the way, the old goat walked along; he trembled along the way. Atlast, he found a big round cave for him to sleep in, so that he could rest hisenergy and continue his journey…
The old goat didn’t even realize that this was home to the lion, king ofall animals. As soon as he approached the mouth of the cave, the lion smelledthe goat out with his nose. The lion shouted, “Who are you that dare come to myhouse? I am going to destroy you, and eat you up for breakfast!!!!” the old goatwas frightened out of his wits, he wanted to run, but knew that he was not fastenough. He closed his mouth and held his breathe, and pretended not to befrightened or afraid.
He walked inside the cave and saw the terrifying lion king. The lion neversaw this kind of thing before, he was frightened now; and asked, “Why are youhere? And who are you? And…” Before he could even finish his speech, the g oatanswered; “I am the goat empress, and I have come to see you…” “See me?” askedthe lion, “Yes,” replied the goat ‘empress’; “I can live no much longer, andeven walking; but, before I die, I want to eat: 100 elephants, 75 wild oxen, 63wild pigs, and 25 lions. Now I had already had: Elephants, wild oxen, and wildpigs; I am looking for a lion to eat now!” the lion was so frightened.
“You know what empress, I am too dirty, and I should probably wash upbefore you…You know, Gulp! Eat me up!” as he said those words, he backed uptowards the mouth of the cave, and rushed out immediately with his back legsbetween his jaws…
Along the way, he bumped into a jackal, the jackal asked; “Hey, I am thecranky jackal dear king; and what has gotten you in such a fright?” the liontook a breath and answered, “There was a goat ‘empress’ in my cave that wants toeat me!” “The goat empress? I never heard of such a thing!”
The lion replied, “Then come with me to the cave… Gulp!”
And so the lion led the jackal to his cave, the goat ‘empress’ saw themcoming, and answered; “Jackal, what do you think you’re doing? I asked you tobring me 25 lions, but you just brought me one! I’m going to eat you both up forbreakfast!” the lion trembled and shouted at the jackal, “Jackal, you tricked meinto this trap?! How dare!”
At these words the jackal ran away, and the lion ran to a place far, faraway…
Once upon a time in a kingdom far away, there was an India princess calledLily; she lived with her father in a desert, where the camel was always good andhealthy… One day Lily went off through the woods to find some food to eat up.One or two times she would stop to admire the beautiful views, and try to aim atthose who bother her; when she returned, she dragged a big deer for supper… itwas also Dum for her to hit a very poor deer… Sometimes her father would say,“Well done!”
After supper, Lily begged her father to let her go and have an adventure inthe woods. Her father agreed, and Lily got her bow and arrow, ready to have anadventure. Along the way, she met a very lovely prince, and fell in love withhim at once, but how could she express her love to him?
She thought and thought about it along the way home. Until she figured outthat she had lost her way. She had decided to move along and try to find her wayback home, at last she found a big and tall tree that had branches that form aroom; just like a platform… She cut off some branches that made a small floor;then she made the furniture, of sticks and wood and mud. In the evening, sherested on the platform, and waited until the sun rise… At sun rise, Lily wokeup, she got her bow and arrow, ready to find home. But just as she was about toget down from her platform, a crocodile blocked her way, she sat there lookingfrightened.
At last some back men rode horses came to this place, they quietly withoutany word, kicked the crocodile down; and then killed him. Lily finally got downfrom the tree or platform, and went with the black men.
At last they arrived at the black men hiding place, and they fed her withsome delicious meals; during the great time that Lily was having some men withwhite horses galloped toward Lily; she was still having delicious meals whenbomb! Lily was captured in a cage.
Lily was very worried, she yelled out for help! Finally the black men came,and found the cage where Lily was in.
They hurried up, and used their stick and opened the cage. The white mencame, and were ready to battle; the black men made a signal to let Lily get outof here. Lily got out and scrambled. When the black men returned, they foundLily clasped on the ground… They carried Lily on their horses to their hidingspots, and fed her some water and some meals.
At last Lily woke up, and saw the black men; she went to hug them and saythanks for saving her. The next day the black men took Lily to find her parents.Lily asked for a bowl of porridge as a meal, and set off on their black horse.Along the way, they found a camp place; it was where Lily’s father lived! Lilyjumped off the black horse, and ran to her father and hugged him; they were allvery, very happy.
When the king saw the black men, he was very angry. But Lily said to him;“Father, these are the men that saved me from the white men that had capturedme, they are amazing!” the king thought about this for a moment, and so decidedto let the black men go in peace.
At last Lily was at home, his father was so very glad to see her. Duringtheir happiness together, the black men came back and prepared a special feastfor everyone to enjoy. The music began to blow, and they started to dance up anddown and twirling about in the air…
They ate their meals, and drank some porridge, and lived pretty happy. Oneday when the black men were about to leave, the king asked; “Is there somethingthat you would like me to give to you?” “Dear king,” replied one of the blackmen, “I would love you to grant me a very happy wish your honor, and that is tolet all the poor people survive from the dangerous stuff…” the black men wishwas at once granted, and all that was left was the action and the build.
Before the only time the king knew, that the black men was killed, hekilled himself, with always a smile on his face…
Lily on the other hand, was very sad about the wish; but she too, hadalways a smile…
THE ONLY MAGICAL THING----Map There was only one thing in the world thatwanted to play, and that guy’s name was Jack. He wanted to be a pirate one day,and found treasure in pirate islands… He had a conversation with his mother oneday for certain. It was about being a pirate one day for once in hislifetime…
“Mom, I want to be a pirate one day, and find treasures in buried islandsand…” “Whoa! Hold there son, what do you mean by, you what to be a pirate?”asked his mother, “Well it is that I just want to hunt for treasure instead ofjust being a regular boy like usual…”
His mother laughed so very hard, “Then why don’t you ask the sorcerer ofthe wicked castle?” his mother suddenly added, “What do you mean of: Wicked?”“Well,” replied her mother, “It all happened in…” “Wait!” shouted Jack, “Thereis no time for you to explain the whole thing, if you could show me this ‘Wickedcastle’ then I could be a pirate sooner or later.
And so his mother showed him a riddle clue, which had many words written onit, “All you have to do is answer the riddles and you will arrive at yourdestination;” so Jack took the map, and head out for the wicked castleimmediately, “Now let us see, two choices to make; which one is it that I needto take?” then he suddenly felt a little twinkle among his eyes, he looked atthe map; “That’s it!” he opened the map and placed it upon him. “Now, I justneed to figure this one out.”
He read it out loud, “Choose the path that has round hard things the most…”then he thought about it, he looked at each side; first, he checked the left;“There is nothing very hard on this side, or even round!” the he checked theother side, known as the right; “Look, there is a pile of rocks here, they arevery hard; and round, and there are plenty of them!”
He walked to the right, and then he went straight on. At last he came to abig castle, it has many traps; and so Jack decided to use the map and find cluesso that he won’t get lost…
He first came to the front door, and then he opened the map, read theriddle; “Watch out for the monster, with two pairs of wings; and come in thespring, it is giant, I warn you…” then he answered, “The only flying thing thathas two pairs of wings is a dragon fly!” when he said “Dragonfly”d-r-a-g-o-n-f-l-y; a giant dragonfly flew past his eyes!
“Whoa!” shouted Jack, he then read the riddle, “look around you; use theone, as sharp as a knife;” Jack looked around himself, then he found a big sharpneedle; it was huge! He used all his might and picked it up, and then he sprangit to the monster. The monster fell down immediately, as if dead.
Then Jack had beaten the giant ‘Dragonfly’d-r-a-g-o-n-f-l-y, he was readyto see the sorcerer. He was casting a spell when Jack came in, he interruptedhim; and so the sorcerer shouted, “What are you doing stranger?” he asked, “Canyou make me a pirate?” “What! Nobody has ever done that spell before;never!”
And so Jack had to keep on being a normal boy, he was satisfied sometimes,but also was glad that he didn’t turn into a pirate. “The map is ‘the onlymagical thing’ in this world…
During the years of suffering, a super hero called Maze was facing the warof the Americans. One day he was planning a vacation, that was going to beamazing; when a big giant octopus attacked the whole city…
He had no choice but to stop his vacation, and to stop the octopus. He wastransforming into a big octopus, and ready to battle Maze. Maze was ready; hegot his sword and shield ready for battle. When he came, everybody cheered forhim; the octopus was not very happy…
He used his legs and arms and kicked Maze right up into the air. Maze saidto the people; “I have a plan, but I’ll need you guys to help me with it;”everybody agreed to help Maze, and so they all gathered around to listen toMaze’s plan. He said to the people, “I need a person, to help and pull a string;that way, when the giant octopus reached me, you guys just pull the string, andit will trip; then I will need a guy that is good at tying knots, that is whenthe giant octopus trips, that guy will tie his up and give it to me; then restof the problems I will deal with it…”
Everybody agreed to his magnificent plan, and so they got to work. FirstMaze went to get a very long string, and gave it to two people that were verygood at strength to pull it, instead of pulling it let us make it that Maze’splan was not at length that good, for the octopus knew all about his plan; andso could very easily pass the test…
When they failed, Maze thought about this problem; they all knew that theoctopus it always listening to their plans. Now what? Well since Maze could tellthe other people his plan, he had decided to show them his plan. He drew it on apiece of white paper, and showed it to the people, he made some moves of how itwas done; they all understood, but the giant octopus didn’t. His plan was thesame, but the giant octopus didn’t know it.
He decided to be careful, but he couldn’t, because the string wasinvisible; instead of the string part, Maze changed it into plastic paper; thatway the giant octopus couldn’t see what they were up to; this plan was good, butlet us see how it ends.
Then two men were pulling the plastic, the plastic paper broke; and somaybe Maze didn’t think it all the way through. He changed a magnificent plan:First of all, some people distract the giant octopus; and then Maze tied hislegs and arms; and threw him into the ocean, where he was gone and 100 percentdrowned with his legs and arms tied behind his back.
And so Maze saved the day once again, and when his mom and dad returnedhome; they were very proud of him. But maze was still sad, his mom and dadasked; “What is the matter Maze?” “Well, I did save the day Hooray! But I stilldidn’t get a chance of relaxing like little children, they were like holidays!”then his mother and father decided to hold him a holiday celebration, and livedhappily ever after.
The octopus did return, and it was all to his mom the scientist. Maze diddefeat him again and again; until the octopus was tired, he knew that he was notthe guy to beat Maze, so he changed his mind and left the city and gave lived toMaze’s fans in peace.
The end…
There was once a little girl named Anna, that wanted to have magic in thisworld; but she knew that her mother would just only laugh at her if she had toldher. And so she decided to go on the adventure on her own.
She got everything that she needed to complete her mission, and thenstarted off without a word to say. She headed out to the woods, and found alittle tree house nearby; she climbed up there with a ladder, and found lots ofbooks and shelves there. She found a book about knights, and turned to a page ofpictures of knights long ago; and how they battle enemies such as that. Annawished so much that she could go there.
After that she fell asleep, and then she opened her eyes, and found her onthe ground; as if she were asleep… She thought it very weird, that she was here;at first she was at the tree house, then she was at the grass plot.
She got up, and walked through looking for an exit, then she found the bookthat she was reading before; she knew that she must have gone into the knight’sstory because of her wish. She picked up the book, and looked around; The booksuddenly moved like magic, then, she found the books end; there were some wordswritten all over it.
She read in out loud, “If you want to escape this land you are in, all youhave to do is try and face all the knights, there are four of them; good luck!”then she began searching for knights, but what she did before that was to thinkabout how to defeat them… She walked along the road, and finally saw a big treewith a sharp branch; she had an idea of how she could face the knights; shebroke down the branch, and kept on searching. She was not quite ready forbeating them, for she just needed some other things in order to defeats them…She kept on her journey, and suddenly realized a big rock; she was tired and solay on it. Then a crack came on her back, and the rock got up. Anna wasastonished, she stood up and said, “Who are you?” then the rock replied. “I amthe alive rock and I suppose you are Anna;” “How did you know my name?”
The rock took a breath and replied, “Because I heard your voice ever since,I know you are looking for some new weapons to defeat knights…” “I mostcertainly am alive rock,” and she bowed down. The rock then said, “I suppose Ican be of much use to you, I am going to come with you; and see whether thereare dangers…”
And so Anna and the alive rock moved along, suddenly they came to a biggiant tree; the tree said slowly, “Who are you that dare come to my place?”“Ah!” shouted Anna, “Alive tree!” “How did you guess my name?” asked the talkingtree; “Because-because your, a-liv-e!” “Yep! And that’s my neighbor;” answeredalive rock. Anna then said; “OH, well I suppose you can be a lot of use to mewhen I defeat knights!”
“Knight? Defeat? Ha! That is already the easiest sport I could think of! Ihad defeated knights for like 2089 times!” “What?!” asked Anna rather surprised,then she gulped and answered; “Then you must come with me!” answered Annaproudly. And so the three of them marched down, until they came was a big knife;the knife turned around and said, “Who are you little girl?” “Ah!” shouted Annaagain, “That’s our neighbor too!” replied alive tree and alive rocktogether.
Anna then said, “Oh, then you must come with me; I have to defeat knights!”“Oh,” answered the knife, “Then I suppose I could be a lot of use to you, nowall we are missing in the alive shield…” He didn’t even finish until, “What?!”shouted Anna, “Don’t shout Anna!” replied alive tree, “This isn’t fake, it istrue; follow knife!”
Then knife led the group to where the big shield was, he was brushing hisface when they arrived, “Oh, hello everybody; and hello little girl named Anna!”“How did you all know my name?” “No time for that!” shouted alive rock, “We haveknights to defeat!” “And you must come with us alive shield!” “No problem!”shouted he, and then the group marched off.
They at last reached the knights hiding spot, the four knights answered;“We shall destroy you!” speaking of which, the knights charged toward Anna’sgroup; “Attack!” shouted Anna. Alive tree, alive rock, alive knife and mostlyalive shield charged toward the knights. Seeing such a fright, the knights said,“You know what; maybe today is not the day boys…
Then the knights were destroyed by the alive group team.
Suddenly a flash came upon Anna, and she vanished out of sight; “Where didshe go?” asked the group. Then she shook their heads, and went back to theirhomes…
And for Anna, she got back home; and she at last knew that magic is reallymagic…
热心网友 时间:2022-06-14 07:57
Life in the University-大学生活
My campus life is rich and colorful. I go to attend class every morning excluding weekend.In the class, I study and discuss kinds of knowledge with my teacher and my classmates. After the class, ofen i go to play basketball or badminton with my friends. In the evening, I have two hours for study by oneself in scheled time, and then go back to my dormitory and surf on the internet. At the weekend, I take part in some part-time jobs and go to the Einglish Corner sometimes. All in all,my campus life is beatiful and substantial.
热心网友 时间:2022-06-14 09:15
开篇得写出意向,然后主要阐述大学的日常生活即可,实在不行可以适当的篡写一些。热心网友 时间:2022-06-14 10:50
例文1:Dear friend,
How have you been lately? I am doing great. College life is treating me well. I signed up for four classes. Egyptian civilization has to be my favorite course since I have always wanted to explore the mystery of Egypt. I am learning about the Pyramid this month. I love it!
Most of the friends that I have met so far are from my classes and my dorm. I like living with friends even though my room is much smaller than the one I have at home. I enjoy the freedom as well as sharing with others.
There are many clubs here to be a part of. I am thinking of joining the Asian club and meet others who share my culture. The International club is also a great idea since I will be learning from others and their cultures as well. Besides that I am also thinking about the Math club. You know how I love math. I will be feeling so at home there.
Hope everything is well for you too. Good luck to you and your studies.
yours, michelle
例文2:Dear Mike,
I am so glad to hear from you. In your letter you told me that you would come to visit Hangzhou this summer vacation. My parents and I are very happy, and we are all looking forward to your coming. Oh, the important thing that I must tell you is that I live in No.66, the South Street, Hangzhou. You can take the No.6 bus at the train station, and get off at the Tai Hu stop. I will wait for you at that stop. You will live in my home and I will show you places of interest in Hangzhou. I think you will have a good holiday.
Hope you come here soon.
Tang Li
热心网友 时间:2022-06-14 12:41
Dear friend,
when i was in high school, I had to study all the time and hardly had spare time to do what i wanted to.Besides, I had to focus on my textbooks and doing exercise again and again. Therefore, I had little time to read magazines and novels and watch TV. what was worse, I couldn't play with my friends a lot, which I couldn't stand the most. In a word, all i did in high shool should be considered for the College Entrance Examination. dedecms.com
However, my college life is totally different from the life in high school.I can arrange my time freely. I spend most of my time reading in the library, where I can open my eyes and broaden my mind.In my free time, I also join some clubs,where i can make a lot of friends of different majors. My teachers in college are so kind and knowledgeable that they not only teach us knowledge but also how to be a person and how to get on with others. In addition, there are more opportunities for me to improve myself.
I believe college life is an important stage in my life. In college, i can learn how to learn by myself, how to get on with others, how to live independently.College provides me with a stage where i can show myself and be myself.
With time goes by, it becomes a bit hard for me to remember everything about myself at the first day of my college life. However, there was one thing for sure that I did feel quite excited and curious about my university. There is no doubt that students like me have struggled for a long time so that can be permitted to enter the university.
Bringing with expectation, I got into Zhejiang Gongshang University. Generally speaking, it's an interesting and fantastic place for us to study and live in. Every day a series of outgoing people get into my eyesight. Curious and out of politeness, I'd talk to them heart to heart. Here I make friends with my new classmates from everywhere around China. What's more, time and weather permitting, I will enjoy jogging or playing basketball with my classmates on the playground, tired but happy. When staying in dormitory, I choose to read news online and sometimes watch a film for relaxing. However, a good student can never leave his study behind. When it comes to study, hard problems never upset me, instead they arouse me. Rather than ignoring it, I'd think carefully for a while and ask my classmates for help.
热心网友 时间:2022-06-14 14:49
Dear friend,
As we know, many people favor the idea that the college life is free and comfortable, but I’d like to say it’s not true. As a matter of fact, my life in university is so busy that I wonder if my energy is enough. As to my college life, I divide it into four parts, including study, student activities, library and the others.
Firstly, I want to talk about the study. In my opinion, study is the priority in college. When I received the letter of admission in summer, I knew clearly that what I should do. So I make up my mind to study hard and pursue learning as much as possible. I’m greatly convinced that knowledge can change my life. Therefore, I often go to the quiet study room where many people study there. By working so hard, I get good grades in the exams.
Secondly, student activities play an important role in our college life. To be honest, the student Union is a good place where one can develop social skills, get his abilities trained. I take part in many student activities. For example, I’ m a volunteer, teaching the kids to learn to dance and write. I think it’s meaningful for everyone to give a hand to others. I can also do some jobs in the Student Union, including receiving and sending fast mail, selling papers and magazines. I think they’re unforgettable and worthwhile experiences for me.
Thirdly, I also visit the library constantly. It’s said that “shelves of books, oceans of knowledge”, so I read books that I’m interested in. In this way, I can share stories with my new friends and it also changes my horizons .When I’m sad, lost or in trouble, staying the library makes me quiet and comfortable. After all, every life has bad moments as well as good ones, and the library for me is a support in bad moments. So it’s wise choice for me to stay in the library.
Finally, I often do other things in my spare time. In order to alleviate parents’ burden, I often do some part-time jobs and write some articles to earn money. It helps me to be independent and improve my social skills.
In short, my life in university is busy but valuable. You can see that study brings me knowledge, student activities improve myself, library changes my horizons, the others things make me independent. They get all my abilities trained. And I see that the chance will come only if you have a prepared mind, so I’m sure that I can achieve my dreams in college life.
yours, XXXX
热心网友 时间:2022-06-14 17:14
M university