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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-19 15:30



热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 03:40

Robinson on a desert island life 28 years,had a very unique adventures
On the island,he didn‘t give up on the hope of life,but strong survived.
He depends on his own wisdom over many suffing.
At last he of peare back to his country live a happy life.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 03:40

1. Robinson on a desert island life 28 years, had a very unique adventures.
2. On the island, he didn't give up on the hope of life, but strong survived.
3. He depends on his own wisdom over many suffering.
4. At last he of peace back to his country live a happy life.
Need not too much trouble, the sentence is as simple as possible, easy to understand. As long as no grammar mistake can. Please don't give me an emulator translation: thank you. English master to help if you have a good sentence, welcome, as long as the recommended between sentences coherent. Not much, as far as possible with scores of junior middle school level sentences.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 03:41

1.Robinson has been living on an island alone for 28 years.During these years ,he happens to have an special experience.
2.Though he lives on this diserted island ,he doesn't give up the hope for life ,he struggles to be alive instead.
3.He conquers many difficulties depending on his own wisdom.
4.Eventually,he comes back to his motherland and lives a happy life.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 03:41

Robinson lived alone on an island for 28 years, he had a special experience.
In the lonely island, he didn't give up the hope of living, he lived on.
He overcame a lot of difficulties using his wisdom.
He returned to his country safely in the end and lead a happy life.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 03:42

1. Robinson has lived on an isolated island for 28 years, experiencing an unique adventure.
2.On the isolated island, he didn't give up the hope of life and struggled to live firmly.
3. He overcame much suffering depending on his wisdom.
4. Finally, he returned to his country in safety and lived a happy life.
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