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eared grebes造句 eared grebesの例文 "eared grebes"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-19 15:44



热心网友 时间:2023-09-02 23:08

American coots and eared grebes have nested here.

Other similarly sized grebes are very distinct in plumage, i . e . the eared grebe and horned grebe.

The name " eared grebe " was in use nearly a century before the name " black-necked grebe ".

Wildpfe monly seen in the area of the park include hawks, pepcans and other water birds, including Western, and eared grebes and black tern.

These include black-necked stilts, American avocets, spotted sandpipers, Wilson's phalaropes, red-necked phalaropes, black terns, eared grebes , horned grebes, and cinnamon teal.

Among the most monly treated include brown pepcans, western gulls, northern fulmars, western grebes, American coots, American white pepcans, eared grebes , mon murres, pacific loons, mon loons, Canada geese.

Hundreds of thousands of eared grebes fell prey to unknown illness in 1992; four years later, 1, 130 brown pepcans succumbed to avian botup *** , a mon bacterial scourge of the crowded swamps and estuaries along the Pacific Flyway.

Walking just a few steps along a beach, he came across the plump, weathered carcass of an eared grebe , the black, sun-dried body of a double-crested cormorant and thousands of fish bones lying just beyond the tiny waves lapping at the shore.

The New River originates 20 miles ( 32 kilometers ) south of the border, picking up Mexicap's sewage and pesticides drained from Imperial County farms before ending in the Salton Sea, a habitat for eared grebes , white pepcans, ruddy cks and hundreds of other bird species.

The highest totals for indivials of a species included 13, 873 Capfornia gulls ( an inland nester at Mono Lake and elsewhere ); 9, 218 American avocets; 1, 767 eared grebes ; 13, 826 " peeps " or *** all sandpipers such as npn, western and least sandpipers; and 2, 882 indivial cks.

It's difficult to see eared grebes in a sentence. 用 eared grebes 造句挺难的

Avian species on the refuge include the bald eagle, golden eagle, American white pepcan, white-faced ibis, snow goose, Ross's goose, greater white-fronted goose, Canada goose, peregrine falcon, northern pintail, mallard, gadwall, canva *** ack, western grebe, eared grebe , black tern, and tricolored blackbird.

During the annual migrations, it hosts tens of thousands of eared grebes , Wilson's phalaropes, red-necked phalaropes, American avocets, killdeer, and northern shovelers . black terns, Forster's terns, American avocet, white-faced ibis, Clark's grebes, and black-necked stilts are mon ring the summer months.

Notable at Henrys Lake are White Pepcans, Widgeon, Lesser Scaup, Cormorants, Red-necked and western Grebes, coots, mallards, bufflehead, Ring-necked Ducks, Canada Geese, Blue-winged Teal, eared Grebe , Killdeer, mon Merganser, mon tern, Cinnamon Teal, Trumpeter Swans, Great Blue Heron, Capfornia Seagulls, Bald Eagles, Swainson's Hawks, Red-tailed Hawks, Red-winged Blackbirds, cowbirds and more.

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