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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-11 09:16



热心网友 时间:2024-07-15 07:07

In 21st century, with the updating of measures of science and technology, the society mode generates a tremendour change and progress about life, work and learning. Unpon the backgroud of today's society, a variety of high-tech integrated most far-reaching ramifications when the number of the most extensive network of proct technology. This evolved from the new 1990 technology, the human in the whole world under the global village, the sharing of resources through a network cable, a modem, you can access a shared resource web search the world's resources you need to do to stay at home work, study, shopping and more. The basic ecation - the so each person and all people for the minimum common knowledge, ideas, experience, ecation, social norms and, as the network technologies, allowed means of ecation from the fixed classroom, paper quality of textbooks and other traditional methods of teaching face to face unexpected changes occurred. Basic ecation with material means and spiritual means of changes in network technology as the expansion of ecational coverage and the deepening of the modernization of ecation is huge. This people have reason to believe that the development of network technology will inevitably bring about a more mature basic ecation to another level.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-15 07:07

In the 21st century,the society has made great changes and progress in terms of life,work and study mode with the rapid development of modern science and technology.Under current society's background,the most influential and widely used procts are the network technology while combining all kinds of high tech derivatives.The new technology which developed from 1990 has realized the world resource sharing for the people from the global village.Through a network cable and a modem,you can have access to the world's resource network to search for the resource which you want.You can work,study and do shopping etc without going out.But basic ecation which provides the minimum knowledge,opinion,social norm and exprience for all the people has been through expected changes with the appearance of network technology in terms of its traditional fixed classroom,textbook and face-to-face ecation method.The material and spiritual methods of basic ecation avail the transformation of netwrok technology and have become great power to expand the ecation coverage and deepen the modernization of ecation.This makes people believe that the more mature network technology must will elevate the basic ecation to another hight.
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