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发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-07 19:56



热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 12:48


  School of Architecture

  Founded more than 250 years ago, the undergraate program in Architecture offered by this school is the oldest in its kind in the American continent. Successor of the Antigua Academia de San Carlos, it has played a key role in shaping Mexico’s architecture. It also offers programs in Scenery Architecture, Urban Planning and Instrial Design. This academic structure is conformed by 16 workshops where the students receive a theoretical and practical ecation enabling them to face the challenges in their professional life. The School of Architecture constitutes space adapted for the development of it creative activity with plurality of options and approaches.



  School of Sciences

  Created in 1938 with its current name, the school has its origin in The National School of Higher Studies. For more than six decades, it has been the principal institution in the ecation of men and women of science that Mexico needs. It offers academic programs in fields of Actuarial Science, Biology, Computer Sciences, Physics and Mathematics.119 research lines are carried out within this school. Among its publications, stand out Ciencias magazine, with recognized prestige among the national scientific community, the Mathema collection, and different monographs including topic related to biology, actuarial science, and mathematics.


  科学院建立于1938年,前身是国家高等研究学院。在60多年时间里,科学院一直是墨西哥科学人才教育的主要机构。学院有精算学、生物、计算机科学、物理和数学等领域的专业课程。学院有119条研究路线。在其出版物中,Ciencias杂志格外显眼,该杂志在墨西哥国内科学界有公认的声誉。此外还有Mathema collection和不同的专题论文,课题涵盖生物、计算学和数学领域。

  School of Law

  The origin of this school goes back to the Universidad Real y Pontificia de México (Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico). One of its first lectures was Prima de Leyes e Instituta given by Dr. Bartolomé Frías y Albornoz. Its contemporary antecedent is the Escuela Nacional de Jurisprudencia (National School of Jurisprudence), founded in 1867 by President Benito Juárez, and which in 1910 became part of the newly established Universidad Nacional de México, and in 1951 began to offer doctoral studies. Knowledge plurality and liberty of thought are fostered in its classrooms. The students receive an ecation of excellence, taught by the most qualified teaching staff of the country. Due to this liberty and responsibility, the students also receive a wide overview of the justice phenomenon and its assessment implications. The school has a very important library to be consulted by academics and students, and the general public.


  法学院的源头可追溯到墨西哥皇家主教大学。法学院的当代前身是国家法律学院,成立于1867年,由Benito Juárez校长创立。学院在1910年成为新建立的墨西哥国立大学的一部分,并在1951年开始开设博士课程。学院课堂注重多元知识和自由思想。学生在这里接受优质的教育,这里有全国最优秀的教职工。得益于这种自由和责任,学生还有机会总体考察各种正义现象及其背后的评测内涵。法学院拥有很好的图书馆,供老师、学生和公众使用。

  School of Economics

  With more than 70 years of experience, the school of economics has formed several generations of economists who have greatly influenced Mexico’s social and economic development. Its graates obtain a wide and plural knowledge about economic culture and the social economical realities at national and international levels. The research work developed in the school constitutes a substantive task in the academic work of its teaching staff. The diversity of activities where this work is done is materialized everyday in written collaborations published in newspapers, magazines and books, through media interviews and participation in debates and analysis panels on radio and television.



  School of Philosophy and Literature (FFyL)

  Its origin goes back to the Colonial Age and its direct precedent is the National School of Higher Studies. This school teaches the programs in Library Science, Intercultural Development, and Negotiation, Latin American Studies, Philosophy, Geography, History, Hispanic Language and Literature, Modern Language and Literature (German, French, English, Italian, and Portuguese), Classical Literature, Dramatic Literature and Theater, and Pedagogy. Seven of these programs may be coursed in the open and distance ecation system. Its excellent teaching staff, the richness of its academic life, the quality of its students, and its wide tradition have made of this school to be ranked among the best in the world in the field of humanities and arts.



  School of Medicine

  From January 1579, when the first medicine course was established in the Real y Pontificia Universidad de México, until our days, the School of Medicine has entered its efforts in supporting its academic excellence for the sake of the students. It teaches the courses Medical Surgeon and Basic Biomedical Research. It is focused on ecating highly qualified surgeons and graates, who are able to exercise the leadership of Mexican medicine, and to contribute to the development of the original research. The set of its activities is ruled by qualified scientific and academic knowledge, innovation capacity, and humanism. Its academic staff carries out 243 lines of research, with a scientific proction of more than two articles per researcher a year in index-linked magazines.


  从1579年Real y Pontificia Universidad de México第一门医学课程开设至今,医学院在培养学生学术优秀方面付出了诸多努力。学院有医疗手术课程和基础生物医学研究。学院的重点是培养外科医生和毕业生,让他们有能力引领墨西哥医学,推动原创性研究的发展。学院的教学活动由合格的科学专业知识、创新能力和人文关怀支撑。学院的研究人员从事243个方向的研究,在指数挂钩的杂志上每位研究员每年的论文发表数量在两篇以上。

中国福利彩票龟兔赛跑出现两个箭头算不算中奖 ...都没有笑了感觉活得好麻木完全没有意义我该怎么办?? 我的情感很麻木,可以改变或改善吗? 我觉得我麻木不仁,如何改变? 我高二时候突然变得很麻木 应该怎样解脱出来? 曹颖代言的CC换颜祛斑的精油重庆哪里有卖? 第三套人民币蕴含的巨大增值潜力 租赁合同≠租赁凭证!深圳租房家长不要再搞错了!否则申请不了公办学位... 仓埠街道革命传统 ...当归 黄芪 三七一起吃了,有什么功效,吃了会长胖吗?拜托了各位... 厦门大学是文科强还是理科强? 初一十五为啥要拜拜 火是可再生资源吗还是不可再生资源 天津医学生物技术专升本通过率 谢谢相告,近视的女生可以学铁路运输专业吗? 山东财经大学有哪些校区 请在这里概述您的问题山东财经大学归哪里管辖?多会开始的一本招生?多会有了博士的授予权? 安徽师范大学和山东财经大学哪个好? 4号去长白山旅游还能去吗? 我为唐僧颠覆西游小说txt全集免费下载 成都火车东站在哪里?从新南门怎么到火车东站? 怎么从新南门车站到成都东火车站?? 闵行中学分数线2023 护理专业去黄淮学院好还是河南医专好? 黄淮学院的护理怎么样 微信加好友过期是多久? 买过一套公房买一套商品房但网上个人名下只有一套算维一吗 名下有套公产房,如果再买房子(商品房)算不算第二套?已婚,公产房承租人是我。 我现在有一套公产房,我想再买一套商品房算不算二套房 我们夫妻现在名下有两套商品房,还有一套公产房买了产权,那我现在名下有属于几套房呢? 南京大学仙林校区和鼓楼校区哪个好 在调用PBC库时,libgcc.a打不开怎么办 重庆三峡学院贫困大学生有哪些照顾政策吗? 我是一名社会务工人员,可以报考全国职称英语考试吗? 对口高考分数超过本科线48分怎么办 快决测是不是骗子 华中师范大学人工智能专业属于什么学院 海南大学人工智能在哪个学院 广西医科大学是重点大学吗 疫情之下长安大学可以走读吗 我想去操场跑步,西安长安大学可以随便出入吗? 哪些警校招公安专业研究生? 我爱自学网账号异常无法登录 你常去哪些技术网站/论坛? 谁有我爱自学网的会员,冒昧的问一下,有木有人能借我,里面的课程还好,就是会员费用太高了! 为什么也有王者荣耀 王者荣耀的原因 河北工业大学体育挂科和补考的问题 河北工业大学廊坊分校挂科不能重考怎么办 河北工业大学2015届应届毕业生毕业考试允许补考吗