发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-08 18:04
热心网友 时间:2023-09-25 22:17
He asked me out at a party, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. 他在派对上约我出去,从此我们就分不开了。
He took me out to a restaurant. 他带我去餐厅约会。
Don’t lead him on if you don’t like him. 若你对他没意思,就不要让他以为有机会。
I hooked up with her last night. 我与她昨晚看对眼了。
We just drifted apart. 我们就感情淡了。
I couldn’t put up with his snoring. 我无法忍受他打呼。
He cheated on me. 他劈我腿。
He’s always messing me around. 他总是对我忽冷忽热。