★高分★100分★帮忙写一篇英语作文My friend
发布时间:2022-04-25 13:15
时间:2024-07-15 09:34
Here,I want to introuce my friend to you.He is like a child but not a child.He is a teacher but not very series.He is a thiry-year-old man but always loves smiling.Yearh,he is my friend -my teacher Mr. Liu.With a pair of glasses,he looks so handsome,like a 20 years old guy.He is not fat,but not thin ,either.He is really like a friend of mine.Once he asked us to go climbing with him.How great fun we had that day!He is very outgoing and told us various fun stories on the way in moutain!
Yes,he is my friend.Friends are the people who will still stay with you and help you whoever you are or whatever you like .Friendship is the warmth that is given by your friends when your heart is cold;friendship is the lovely worlds that are said by your friends when you are sad;friendship is the shoulder taht is given by your friend when you want something to depend on;friendship is the hugs and smile that your friends can give you from the botton of their hearts when you succeed.
This is that I can learn from Mr. Liu-my friend,my real friend!
时间:2024-07-15 09:35
My English Teacher
Hello,everybody,let me introce myself first.My name is *** ,a middle school student.Well,we all have our own teachers,maths teachers,Chinese teachers and English teachers.But who I am going to tell about today is a very special one.His name is *** ,my English teacher,the one I'll remember and respect forever.
Mr.Liu began to teach us two years ago.When I saw him for the first time at class.I was attracted by him.He was humourous and out-going and in mid-heiht,wearing black glasses and curly short hair.He was about 30 years old。He wrote her name on the blackboard,and then started his first class.To our great surprise,he just told us humors and jokes and something funny,making the whole class full of laugh.The entire class was then warmed up by him.
Mr.Liu was not only good at teaching but also like outdoor activities,from which we could also gained knowledge.He often took us to Ye San Po for fun,climbing,having picnic and enjoying the beautiful scenery.He often told us,"The knowledge we gain from books is not enough,we should gain more from outside world."
Now Mr.Liu had left our school.But we won't forget his interesting and enjoyable classes that he had given us.We won't forget the days that we had spent with him.
时间:2024-07-15 09:35
你有一些地方写Her- -
时间:2024-07-15 09:36
记得那次县新华书店通知说,书店新来了一批《小学生毕业复习资料》,严老师不顾自己体弱多病,立即骑上自行车起程,来回两个60里路,4个小时变赶回来,将书发送到全班每个同学手中。看着她额头上不断滚落下来的汗珠 同学们感激地说 老师 累了吧 快喝水 只见她一边擦汗,一边接过水杯,笑着说:“不累,才60里路,近着呐!”
前不久,严老师的女儿小影在课外活动中摔伤了胳膊,住进了医院,可是严老师一直没空儿去看望她。我和班里的一位女同学一直惦记着小影的伤势,再三劝严老师去看望小影一次。但是严老师总是摇摇头说:“哪能呢,60 里路打来回,远着呢!”我急了,鼓起勇气与她顶起嘴:“严老师,您为我们买书怎么不怕远,怎么不嫌累?我知道,您总是怕耽误我们的学习,才故意说呢,是不?”严老师笑了,接着有一本正经地我们说:“我是你们的老师,老师有老师的职责呀,如果我因为去看小影,一次欠下你们每个同学4小时的‘时间债’,那全班同学加起来,在我的良心帐上,就永远也还不完了。”‖
多好的老师啊!我的眼睛模糊了,好象严老师矮小的身躯忽然高大起来。我真想学会孙悟空那套本领,把这60 里路变得近点,再近点,让严老师能在课间10分钟,就赶到医院亲吻一下自己心爱的女儿。
时间:2024-07-15 09:37