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Secrets (Rhythm Masters Club Vocal Mix) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-08-15 08:58



热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 22:42

歌曲名:Secrets (Rhythm Masters Club Vocal Mix)
歌手:Mutiny Uk

Artists:The Zutons
Album:Tired of Hangin' Around
Edit by 淝水之阳
Everyone's got secrets
dirty little secrets
Have i got one on you
(Have i got one on you)
Although they may be secrets,
they may show your weakness
Well are they really true
(well are they really true)
Don't tell your mates
on the council estates
cos there's no one to trust
Don't tell the sky as it spits down in your eye
but tell the priest if you must
cos everyone's got problems
everyone's got problems
And everyone's got stress
(everyone's got stress)
Controlling our relations avoiding situations
That end up in a mess
(end up in a mess)
Don't be afraid
if your thoughts are mislaid
cos there's nothing to fear
Don't get upset if your memories
make regrets because we've all got them here
Secrets , secrets, secrets
Are for keeping, keeping, keeping
And if you tell them
They lose their meaning
Don't tell your mates
on the council estates
cos there's no one to trust
Don't tell the sky as it spits down in your eye
but tell the priest if you must
Secrets , secrets, secrets
Are for keeping, keeping, keeping
And if you tell them
They lose their meaning
Secrets , secrets, secrets
Are for keeping, keeping, keeping
And if you tell them
They lose their meaning
Everyone's got secrets
dirty little secrets
Have i got one on you
(Have i got one on you)
Although they may be secrets,
they may show your weakness
Well are they really true
(well are they really true)
Everyone's got secrets
dirty little secrets
Have i got one on you
(Have i got one on you)
Although they may be secrets,
they may show your weakness
Well are they really true
(well are they really true)

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