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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 14:28



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 03:28


High-old man读后感
Recently, a deeper understanding of Balzac's masterpiece "high old man" was in fact a long time ago on the really serious thought to appreciate that this comes from in the 19 century French writer Balzac's world famous pen. Feel the true intentions of the "high-old man," I can not help but sigh from the heart, the tragedy of the high-old man. Balzac in their own life experiences, through detailed descriptions and penetrating portrait of a capitalist society between people naked money relations, with a sharp pen portrait of a contemporary Paris, France - which flourished behind temporary society forward to the many stories, it is a microcosm of Bourbon is a true portrayal of the capital class. After one read, one can not help掩卷meditation.
"High old man" is a time of critical realism novels, it is condensed time colors, show the time between people in society hypocrisy, cunning, cruel ... ... English version of this book less than 180,000 words, but its vision of a wide variety of characters, it deserves a piece of panoramic picture, from the Latin Quarter and Saint marceau Chengguan poverty dowdy side street between the alley, to the St Germain district magnificent aristocratic residence, the Seoul Zach give us a dazzling display of Paris society, tells the story of a story is matched tears. Paris, various strata of society, the identity of various characters, with their own unique style, at the composition of the novel in a noisy, active, real society. Here there is the greed of snobbish wife, have dedicated science college students, there is hard labor to help the broad masses of mouth magical secret leader.
After reading "high old man", people can not help but to Parisian society as the center only to money, relationships between the indifference and sadness. Do not care at Parisian society affection, love, and some just relations between people's money. Marx once said: "the bourgeoisie has torn off the mask at home on the tender relationship between the veil, put this relationship into a purely naked money relationship." The old man is a high wheat flour, the flour sold at ring the revolution earn a a large sum of money, he loves loves his two daughters, even to the extent of spoil, then this is a tragedy on the home thus the hair. Daughter would just like to have him as one of the comfortable, or even to pay all their own do not care that he hoped his daughter嫁入door of the aristocracy, so the two darling daughter will not suffer, and happy life.
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