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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-25 09:55



热心网友 时间:2023-12-05 05:33


热心网友 时间:2023-12-05 05:33

LaiYangShi in east China's shandong province is located in a yantai cities. 42 "pear township" LaiYangShi, located in the shandong province famous jiaodong peninsula hinterland, northeast and southwest and west, Qing, yantai, adjacent to the south fromzhe yellow sea. The total area 1734 square kilometers, the total population of coastline 27.5 kilometers, for 89 million, including urban population of 250,000. LaiYangShi located 120 ° east '12 ", 59, a continental climate temperate monsoon type warm in winter and cool in summer, the average temperature, the four seasons for 11.2 degrees, for the average annual rainfall 800MM. Speciality have famous laiyang pears, famous enterprises have LuHua etc, same, universities have to Qing agriculture university sea are college (former laiyang agriculture university address).
莱阳市是一个位于中国山东省东部烟台市的县级市。素以"梨乡"著称的山东省莱阳市,位于胶东半岛腹地,东北与烟台市接壤,西南与青岛市毗邻,南临黄海。全市总面积1734平方公里,海岸线27.5公里,人口总数为89万,其中城区人口为25万。 莱阳市位于东经120°59′12〃,温带季风型*性气候,冬暖夏凉,四季分明,平均温度为11.2度,年平均降雨量为800MM。特产有著名的莱阳梨,著名企业有龙大、鲁花等,大学有青岛农业大学海都学院(原莱阳农学院址)。 A total of realizing social total retail sales of consumer goods 60.68 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth 16.3%respectively. Urban and rural commodity trading market 80 place, turnover 25.3 billion yuan, an increase of 0.3%. Achieve total import and export volume 47394 million us dollars, a year-on-year increase 41654 million, including exporting 24.5 percent increase over the $25.5 per cent; By signing a new contract, the foreign investment projects 71 58776 million us dollars, a typical growth 68%; The actually utilized foreign capital 18501 million us dollars, growth of 44.3%. Major tourist attractions SongWan clam river park, former residence, million mu of operatic, bath. Annual receive tourists at home and abroad 18 million person-time, a year-on-year increase 12.5%; Realize the total tourist income 19800 yuan, 10 percent growth, including foreign currency income eight million dollars.
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