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karsus造句 karsusの例文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-25 01:52



热心网友 时间:2023-08-18 01:55

Those well-versed in magic remember Karsus as the most powerful archmage of all times.

When the Netherese mage Karsus inadvertently slew Mystryl in an attempt to usurp her position as god of magic, the Weave of Toril shut down for several minutes.

Mystryl died when Karsus , wanting to take her place as god of Magic created the most powerful spell ever ( 12th level spell ) and nearly destroyed the Weave.

The only surviving city is Shade Enclave  a floating city which is home to the survivors of ancient Netheril who fled into the shadow plane before Karsus 's folly.

In the temple of Karsus , Melegaunt was killed by a pch, but before he died, he imparted all of his knowledge of the phaerimm into Galaeron's subconscious.

Netheril was also the home of the most powerful wizard who ever walked on Faerun, Karsus , who could cast 12th level spells ( although he cast such a spell only once, and it was his last spell ever ).

Karsus died in the process, and his soul was sundered into three parts  one infused in the Karse Stone, one in his petrified corpse in the Astral Plane, and one infused in the mindless Golem in the settlement of Karse.

On 1 Hammer, the Year of Wild Magic ( 1372 DR ), Galaeron used the Karsestone ( what was once Karsus s heart ), the only source of  whole magic left before it was sppt by Karsus , to create a gate that transported the ancient floating city of Shade from the Plane of Shadows back to Faer鹡 .  Hear me now, people of Shade.

It's difficult to find karsus in a sentence. 用 karsus 造句挺难的

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