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跳起我的霍拉舞 英文歌词???

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-25 02:45



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 18:36


*Come join the celebration with joyous singing.
Come ong and all lead the way.
Come,fill the air with shouting beat drums and cymbals.
Let's allbe merry and gay.*
Dance in a circle round,Singing out in merry sound.
Oh what a holiday.

Sing,ev'ry one.sing.Dance in a circle round.
Sing out.sing our in merry sound(sing out.)
Oh what a holiday. Sing ev'ry one,sing.
Dance,dance,dance the ho-ra ho-ra.
Head to the right and lift your shoulder,
head to the left be strong and bolder.
Lift your feet with bodies whirling.
Follow along,singing this song,and le

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 18:36

Come join the celebration with joyous singing.
  Come ong and all lead the way.
  Come,fill the air with shouting beat drums and cymbals.
  Let's allbe merry and gay.*
  Dance in a circle round,Singing out in merry sound.
  Oh what a holiday.
  Sing,ev'ry one.sing.Dance in a circle round.
  Sing out.sing our in merry sound(sing out.)
  Oh what a holiday. Sing ev'ry one,sing.
  Dance,dance,dance the ho-ra ho-ra.
  Head to the right and lift your shoulder,
  head to the left be strong and bolder.
  Lift your feet with bodies whirling.
  Follow along,singing this song,and let your heart be gay.
  Dance,dance,dance the ho-ra ho-ra.
  Head to the right and lift your shoulder,
  Head to the left be strong and bolder,
  lift your feet with skirt a twirling.
  Hands up high with bodies whirling.
  Follow along, singing this song, and let your hearts be gay.
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