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saturday night holocaust 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-25 02:45



热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 00:57

歌曲名:saturday night holocaust
歌手:dead kennedys
专辑:Give Me Convenience Or Give Me Death

There's a prefab building and a funny smell
Around the hill outside of town
Every now and then we wonder
But we shrug our shoulders
And get back to work
There's a railroad there and trains go by
And there's people locked in cattle cars
And have you noticed
The french fries at the A&W
Taste a little strange?
I drive down to the disco
Pompadour and pink lamme
I bow and blow the doorman
He parts the chain, says join the game
Dead Kennedys
A quick line in the girls room
To the bar for the electrodes
A coin into the right slits
Tape my temple watch me go
Now I want your perfect Barbie-doll lips
And I want your perfect Barbie-doll eyes
Slip my fingers down your Barbie-doll dress
Up and down your spandex ass
If I lit a match for you
You'd melt before my eyes
C'mere my pretty glow-worm
You look so fine to dance with me
The fly-eye lights are throbbin'
I'm burning up the floor
Whirling twirling
No faces judging me
But I want your perfect Barbie-doll lips
And I want your perfect Barbie-doll eyes
Slip my fingers down your Barbie-doll dress
Up and down your spandex ass
A Hitler youth in jogging suit
Smiling face banded 'round his arm
Says, 'Line up, you've got work to do
We need dog food for the poor'
A scream bleats out, we're herded into lines
Customized vans wait outside
I'm getting scared of my new home
To Auschwitz condominiums we go
Oh no
Now I want your perfect Barbie-doll lips
And I want your perfect Barbie-doll eyes
Let my fingers down your dress
One more time

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