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让子弹飞 英语

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 05:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 03:16

让子弹飞 英语好不好,不就是孤独闯天下吗0
-"The English examination is coming,it said to be very hard,hey guys, what should we do?"
-"the exam is not horrible, what is horrible is that you are preparing for the exam while others are reviewing."
-"what can I do?"
-"A song, wait."
-"Now hear me.You might look at your classmates' answear on your left, your right, on front."
-"What about the teachers?"
-"You idiot! It's a technical work. "
-"What's the song you are hearing?"
-"Merry Christmas,maybe.I like it."
-"Got it?"
-"Of course.The Chinese lyric is on it."
-"Hahaha.Master, or we could send it to my English teacher."
-"Yeah,good relationships with an teacher is important.

Action 2:
-Hey body, exam is coming.I want pass it. so what about a cooperate?em,shall I treat you a dinner? ok ok my boss, 5 yuan all right?
-too little, at least 10 yuan
-oh,no, I didn't smell or have food for a long time.
-for sure.
-You will know it.
-The testing papar, isn't it?
-Good thing.
-First question, right down 27 letters from memory.
-Nop? It's so easy!
-The second construction, construct with words" apple, eat and I"...apple eat I?
-ah, you wrong!
-No, I'm not wrong.
-You sure? it is an apple eat I.If you don't believe it, we go to ask teacher.
-You must be wrong
-I must be right
-Forget it, your English is even worse than your caculation. If you are right, I will give you 5 yuan, oh 10 yuan this time.
-I have asked teacher about, he said ‘all right, you can get out’. he said all right, so I am right.
-Oh I have something to do, byebye.
-Hey my money?
-Next time, I promise

Action 3
-You failded the exam.
-Yes sir, for god sake, forgive me,OK?
-You used to be a honest student?
-Are you kidding? do you fall on the ground and
-OK, you can hear my story.I tried 10 times before I passed it.
-Sir, I have tried for 20 times.And how great, you know?
-To be an English people,20 times is just a gate.
-Sir I have tried for 30 years.
-shut up!
-oh dear sir, let me pass
-en? what can I get for.
-Of course.
-What?What's more
-My ugly face.
-what do you mean.
-I will dispear
-You mean if I let you pass..?
-I promise I will dispear right now.I know you don't want to see us any more, and we don't want to bother you either.
-OK, you pass it and you too!Carry your things,get out from my sight!


热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 03:17

Let the bullet fly

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 03:16

让子弹飞 英语好不好,不就是孤独闯天下吗0
-"The English examination is coming,it said to be very hard,hey guys, what should we do?"
-"the exam is not horrible, what is horrible is that you are preparing for the exam while others are reviewing."
-"what can I do?"
-"A song, wait."
-"Now hear me.You might look at your classmates' answear on your left, your right, on front."
-"What about the teachers?"
-"You idiot! It's a technical work. "
-"What's the song you are hearing?"
-"Merry Christmas,maybe.I like it."
-"Got it?"
-"Of course.The Chinese lyric is on it."
-"Hahaha.Master, or we could send it to my English teacher."
-"Yeah,good relationships with an teacher is important.

Action 2:
-Hey body, exam is coming.I want pass it. so what about a cooperate?em,shall I treat you a dinner? ok ok my boss, 5 yuan all right?
-too little, at least 10 yuan
-oh,no, I didn't smell or have food for a long time.
-for sure.
-You will know it.
-The testing papar, isn't it?
-Good thing.
-First question, right down 27 letters from memory.
-Nop? It's so easy!
-The second construction, construct with words" apple, eat and I"...apple eat I?
-ah, you wrong!
-No, I'm not wrong.
-You sure? it is an apple eat I.If you don't believe it, we go to ask teacher.
-You must be wrong
-I must be right
-Forget it, your English is even worse than your caculation. If you are right, I will give you 5 yuan, oh 10 yuan this time.
-I have asked teacher about, he said ‘all right, you can get out’. he said all right, so I am right.
-Oh I have something to do, byebye.
-Hey my money?
-Next time, I promise

Action 3
-You failded the exam.
-Yes sir, for god sake, forgive me,OK?
-You used to be a honest student?
-Are you kidding? do you fall on the ground and
-OK, you can hear my story.I tried 10 times before I passed it.
-Sir, I have tried for 20 times.And how great, you know?
-To be an English people,20 times is just a gate.
-Sir I have tried for 30 years.
-shut up!
-oh dear sir, let me pass
-en? what can I get for.
-Of course.
-What?What's more
-My ugly face.
-what do you mean.
-I will dispear
-You mean if I let you pass..?
-I promise I will dispear right now.I know you don't want to see us any more, and we don't want to bother you either.
-OK, you pass it and you too!Carry your things,get out from my sight!


热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 03:16

Let the bullet fly
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