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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 07:26



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 14:41

  Avian influenza virus applies to influenza A viruses found mainly in birds, but infections with the viruses can take place in humans. Most cases of avian flu in humans are the result of contact with infected poultry (e.g., chickens, cks, and turkeys) or surfaces tainted with secretions or waste matter from diseased birds. This article will help you prevent the spread of avian influenza.

  Know if you are at risk. If you come into contact with any of the following, you may be at risk of becoming infected with the virus:

  Infected domesticated birds, such as chickens, turkeys, or cks.
  Cages and food or water containers used by infected birds.
  Dirt or bedding used by infected birds.
  The carcass of a bird that has died from influenza A virus.

  Know that properly handled and cooked poultry and eggs cannot spread the virus.

  Be safe. Take the following steps to safeguard against possible infection:
  Before and after handling raw poultry and eggs - wash your hands with warm water and soap for a minimum of 20 seconds.
  Cook your eggs till whites and yolks are firm.
  Clean cutting boards, tableware and all surfaces with soap and hot water to prevent contamination from raw poultry.
  Use a food thermometer. Cook poultry to a temperature of at least 165 degrees.
  When warm water and soap are unavailable, use a waterless alcohol-based (at least 60% alcohol) hand sanitizer.

  Be aware that if you are a traveler and plan on visiting an area known to be affected by avian flu virus, you should take the following precautions:
  Avoid all direct contact with poultry, both domesticated and wild.
  Do not visit poultry farms or markets where birds are sold or displayed.
  Shun any poultry or eggs that have not been thoroughly cooked.
  Never eat any poultry that is served raw or undercooked.
  Avoid touching surfaces that have bird droppings or fluids on them.
  Obey all local health recommendations.

  Keep in mind that if you breed poultry, work among poultry flocks, or live among a larger number of domesticated birds, it is important to keep a careful watch on them. Outbreaks are rare, but when they do occur it is imperative that immediate action be taken.


  Precautions to be taken while handling domesticated birds:
  People who are always in contact with birds need to follow proper hygiene.
  Wear gloves while touching the birds.
  The viruses that breed on the body of the body of the birds can harbor into your fingernails, so cut your fingernails regularly.
  Do not touch any of your body parts or eatables with the contaminated hands. If you have touched animals with your hands, then get virus droplets on your hands and wash your hands properly.
  These viruses can also enter through the mucus membrane of your eyes and nose and cause serious infection within less time, so wear masks while handling the birds.
  If there are any dead animals in your poultry, ten bury them immediately. These viruses can easily spread through dead animals.
  If you notice any symptoms of swine flu in the birds in your poultry, isolate them from other birds in the farm.
  Vaccinate all the remaining birds in your farm after isolating the infected birds.
  Taking a warm dip facial is recommended to eliminate the infection causing virus, from the nasal openings, eyes and facial tissues.
  Personal hygiene and hygiene for the birds in the poultry is very important to prevent the infection of virus.
  Bird flu vaccine is highly recommended for such people.
  Hygiene for others:
  Although this disease is rarely transmitted from one person to another, here are some precautionary measures that should be taken by every one of us to prevent bird flu.
  Hygiene is very important in preventing bird flu. Wash your hands before touching any food items.
  Wash utensils and meat properly before you start cooking. Especially, while cooking chicken, ck and turkey. Wash them in warm water.
  Do not eat half-cooked food. If you are served undercooked meat in restaurants, ask for replacement. Make sure that you cook them until the juices run clear and the internal temperature of the meat reaches up to 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
  Eating raw eggs can also be dangerous, so avoid eating them. Boil the eggs properly before eating them.
  Egg shells may also transmit the infection to you as they may contact with the feces of the birds, so limit contact with the egg shells. When you bring eggs to your house, wash them properly.
  Wash the cutting boards, knives, kitchen surfaces and utensils properly before using them for cooking other eatables. If you don’t follow this practice you may cross contaminate the food.
  Washing the hands with an antiseptic soap and warm water is the easiest way to prevent the spread of this disease.
  If someone around you is infected by bird flu or has symptoms of bird flu, take him to the doctor immediately and provide medical help as early as possible.
  People who travel to areas where bird flu is widespread, should avoid going to open air markets, overcrowded places, and avoid contact with infected people.
  Getting vaccinated for bird flu is recommended for people who live in bird flu prevalent areas, and people travelling to such areas.
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