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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-21 13:06



热心网友 时间:2024-08-04 07:08

Name: uniform green tea
Ingredients: pure water, sugar \ green tea, D-erythorbate satisfied, six sodium, vitamin C, eat Flavor
Net content:
And the proction date and manufacturer code: See cap
Proct Standards:
Logo, proct registration for the record:
Guangzhou food proction license number
Guangzhou license number of food hygiene
Yueweishizheng words
Xiamen Yinlu food proction license number

President Enterprises (China) Investment Co., Ltd. authorized
Commissioned processing plant:
Consumer Hotline
Please be stored in a cool dry place, avoid sun exposure
Please open after drinking in a timely manner, after a cold drink, the better the flavor
If there is sediment in the bottle for the tea leaves very natural, there is no quality problems

热心网友 时间:2024-08-04 07:09

Commodity name: Unified green tea ingredient: The pure water, the white granulated sugar \ green tea, the D- different antiscorbutic acid accept, the sodium hexametaphosphate sodium, Vitamin C, flavoring essence only content: guarantees the nature time: proction date and manufacturer code: Sees bottle cap the proct standard number: the proct marking registration sets up a file the number: the Guangzhou food proction licence numbers the Guangzhou food sanitation permit to number Guangdong Wei Shizheng character the Xiamen silver heron food proction licence to number the unification enterprise (China) to invest the Limited company to be authorized to entrust the processing factory: consumer hot line please deposit in coolly dry place, after avoiding sunlight insolation the opening, please promptly drink, after icy cold drinks, if flavor better in the bottle has the settling, for natural tea extremely, and non-quality question

热心网友 时间:2024-08-04 07:09

Commodity name: Unified green tea
ingredient: The pure water, the white granulated sugar \ green tea, the D- different antiscorbutic acid accept, the sodium hexametaphosphate, Vitamin C, flavoring essence
only content:
Guarantees the nature time:
Proction date and manufacturer code: Sees the bottle cap
proct standard number:
The proct marking registration sets up a file the number:
The Guangzhou food proction certificate numbers
the Guangzhou food health permit to number
Guangdong Wei Shizheng the character
Xiamen silver heron food proction certificate serial number

unification enterprise (China) to invest the limited company to be authorized
entrusts the processing factory:
The consumer hot line
please deposit in coolly dry place, after avoids the sunlight insolation exposing to the sun
opening please promptly to drink, after icy cold drinks, the flavor is better
if in the bottle has the settling, for natural tea extremely, and non-quality question

热心网友 时间:2024-08-04 07:10

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