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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 06:32



热心网友 时间:2022-06-16 23:15

愚公移山 ,刻舟求剑
The foolish old man, who removed the mountains. Carve on gunwale of a moving boat。

互相矛盾 。 孟母三迁
Contradictory.Mencius' mother moves her home three times to better her son's ecation。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-16 23:15

1where there is a will, there is a way 2 take measures without considering changes in circumstances 3objectionable intermingling 4 Mencius' mother had moved her house three times
5perseverance will prevail 8serve one's country with unreserved loyalty 9acclaim emperor 10console oneself with vain hopes

热心网友 时间:2022-06-16 23:16

1、where there is a will, there is a way .

热心网友 时间:2022-06-16 23:17

[yú gōng yí shān]
the Foolish Old Man, who removed the mountains.
[kè zhōu qiú jiàn]
Carve on gunwale of a moving boat.

互相矛盾contradict each other
孟母三迁Mencius' mother moves her home three times to better her son's ecation.
perseverance will prevail ;
司马光砸缸Sima Guang hit the tank
水漫金山Water overflows golden hill
[jīng zhōng bào guó]
repay the country with supreme loyalty -- patriotism ;
[huáng páo jiā shēn]
be draped with the imperial yellow robe by one's supporters;
[wàng méi zhǐ kě]
quench one's thirst by thinking of plums -- console oneself with false hopes;
独守长板桥Only keep long slab

热心网友 时间:2022-06-16 23:17

The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountion
to cut a mark on the side of one's boat to indicate the place where one's sword has dropped into the river;
to take measures without regard to changes in circumstances; to be stubbornly unimaginative
mark the moving Boat to find the sword; ridiculous stupidity
be contradictory to each other
Mencius'mother to move her house three times to seek a good environment for her child's development.
1.An iron pestle can be ground down to a needle.
2.Little strokes fell great oaks.
3.Steady efforts can work miracles
a kid named shimaguang saves his friend from a big water jar by smashing it.
water overflowed the golden mountain/Jinshan Mountain
dedicate himself to the service of his country.
黄袍加身to be draped with the imperial yellow robe by one's supporters; to be acclaimed emperor
望梅止渴to quench one's thirst by watching plums; to console oneself with false hopes; to feed on fancies; to have imaginary satisfaction
leave him alone at the long slab
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