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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 10:01



热心网友 时间:2022-05-03 09:11

答:[1]语音方式:The following phonetic rules can be used, to some degree, to infer the grammatical gender for nouns when these are in their nominative singular form, and without any determiner that could help in recognizing the gender.

Nouns ending in a consonant or in vowel or half-vowel u are almost always masculine or neuter:
masculine: "om" (man, human being), "copil" (child), "bou" (ox, bull);
neuter: "ac" (needle), "drum" (road), "ou" (egg), "lucru" (thing, job);
feminine proper nouns of foreign origin or diminutives: "Carmen," "Corinuş" (diminutive from "Corina"), "Catrinel," "Lulu."
Nouns ending in ă are feminine with very few exceptions:
feminine: "fată" (girl), "piatră" (stone), "haină" (coat);
masculine: "tată" (father), "popă" (priest);
Nouns ending in stressed a (including those ending in stressed ea or ia) are feminine:
"sofa" (sofa), "cafea" (coffee), "nuia" (wicker).
Nouns ending in e are generally feminine, but many masculine and a few neuter exceptions exist:
feminine: "carte" (book), "femeie" (woman), "mare" (sea), "cheie" (key);
masculine: "frate" (brother), "iepure" (hare, rabbit), "perete" (wall);
neuter: "nume" (name).
Nouns ending in i are mostly masculine or neuter, with some feminine exceptions:
masculine: "ochi" (eye), "pui" (chicken), "unchi" (uncle);
neuter: "unghi" (angle), "ceai" (tea), "cui" (nail), "nai" (Pan's pipe);
feminine: "zi" (day), "tanti" (aunt).
These rules can be further refined when the noun is recognized as being derived from other words by use of specific endings, as follows:

Masculine nouns:
-ist: "chimist" (chemist), "jurnalist" (journalist);
-an, -ian: "american" (American), "fizician" (physicist);
-or, -tor: "profesor" (teacher, professor), "muncitor" (worker);
-ez: "englez" (Englishman), "chinez" (Chinese);
-ar: "demnitar" (statesman), "fierar" (blacksmith);
others: "geamgiu" (glazier), "paznic" (guard), "frizer" (hairdresser), "român" (Romanian), etc.
Neuter nouns:
-ism: "capitalism" (capitalism), "arhaism" (archaism);
-ment, -mânt: "amuzament" (amusement), "abonament" (subscription), "învăţământ" (ecation) - but "ferment" (ferment) is masculine;
-ut, -it, -at, derived from the past participle of verbs: "început" (beginning), "trecut" (past), "sfârşit" (end), "morărit" (milling), "uscat" (land), "oftat" (sigh);
-aj: "sondaj" (poll), "garaj" (garage), "afişaj" (display).
Feminine nouns:
-oare, -toare: "onoare" (honor), "înotătoare" (swimmer) - but "soare" is masculine;
-are, -ere, -ire, -âre, derived from the long infinitive of verbs: "salvare" (ambulance), "plăcere" (pleasure), "amintire" (recollection), "hotărâre" (decision);
others: "emisiune" (broadcast, TV show), "greutate" (difficulty), "bucurie" (joy), etc.
[2]语意方式:Rules other than phonetic can be used when the meaning of the noun is known or at least its semantic group is recognized. In this category obvious examples are proper names of people, or nouns designating nationality, profession, etc. Nouns referring to animals and birds are always specific to their biological gender, and often occur in pairs the same way as we have cow and bull in English. Less obvious situations are described below.

Masculine nouns:
most tree names: "brad" (fir), "stejar" (oak), "mesteacăn" (birch), but some are feminine: "salcie" (willow), "magnolie" (magnolia);
mountains and mountain chains, often in the plural: "Carpaţi" (Carpathians), "Bucegi," "Retezat," "Făgăraş";
others: months of the year, letters of the alphabet, musical notes, figures, etc.
Feminine nouns:
names of countries and continents when they end in a: "Franţa" (France), "Japonia" (Japan), "America" (America), otherwise they are neuter: "Mexic" (Mexico), "Vietnam" (Vietnam);
the seasons of the year: "vară" (summer), "iarnă" (winter);
the days of the week: "luni" (Monday), "minică" (Sunday).
[1]阳性 名词复数
单数 复数 范例
《-cons.》 <-cons.+i>
“pom - pomi (tree)
doctor - doctori (doctor)
copil -* copii (children)
om -* oameni (man, human being)”
《-u》 <-i>
“codru - codri (forest)
leu - lei (lion)”
《-e》 <-i>
“frate - fraţi (brother)
peşte - peşti (fish)”
《-i》 <-i>
“ochi - ochi (forest)
unchi - unchi (uncle)”
《-ă》 <-i>
“tată - taţi (father)
popă - popi (priest)”
[2]阴性 名词复数
单数 复数 范例
《-ă》 <-e>
“casă - case (house)
fată - fete (girl)
zi -* zile (day)”
《-ă》 <-i>
“lună - luni (moon, month)
barcă - bărci (boat)
soră -* surori (sister)
mână -* mâini (hand)”
《-ă》 <-uri>
“marfă - mărfuri (merchandise)
lceaţă - lceţuri (jam)”
《-e》 <-i>
“carte - cărţi (book)
vale -* văi (valey)”
《-vowel+ie》 <-vowel+i>
“e - băi (bathroom)
felie - felii (slice)”
《-cons.+ie》 <-cons.+ii>
“frecţie - frecţii (massage)
farfurie - farfurii (plate)”
《-a》 <-ale>
“basma - basmale (head kerchief)
pijama - pijamale (pajamas)”
《-ea》 <-ele>
“cafea - cafele (coffee)
saltea - saltele (mattress)”
《-i》 <-i>
“miercuri - miercuri (Wednesday)
tanti - tanti (aunt)”
[3]中性 名词复数
单数 复数 范例
《-cons.》 <-cons.+iuri>
“vin - vinuri (wine)
loc - locuri (place)”
《-cons.》 <-cons.+e>
“picior - picioare (foot, leg)
oraş - oraşe (city)
cap -* capete (head)”
《-u》 <-uri>
“lucru - lucruri (thing)
pariu - pariuri (bet)”
《-u》 <-e>
“muzeu - muzee (museum)
teatru - teatre (theater)”
《-u》 <-ă>
“ou - ouă (egg)”
《-iu /ǐu/》 <-ii /iǐ/>
“exerciţiu - exerciţii (exercise)
fotoliu - fotolii (armchair)”
《-iu /iǔ/》 <-ie /i.e/>
“sicriu - sicrie (coffin)
burghiu - burghie (drill)”
《-i /ǐ/》 <-ie /ǐe/>
“tramvai - tramvaie (tram)
pai - paie (straw)”
《-i /i/》 <-iuri>
“taxi - taxiuri (taxi)”
《-e》 <-e>
“nume - nume (name)
prenume - prenume (first name)”


《》代表 单数

<> 代表 复数

“”代表 范例
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