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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-28 23:35



热心网友 时间:2023-09-09 17:32

The 3D technology already had become now the game market mainstream, more and more games use the 3D technology to unfold the game picture, therefore, if wants to continue in the now game procere development profession to survive and to develop, studies the 3D technology is imperative. The mainstream technology which develops as the current game, the DirectX graph development storehouse has the formidable function. the this project objective to realize using DirectX plays the Demo development, develops the software is Visual Studio 2005, also involved 3dmax as well as the Photo Shop related knowledge. Through to the sky and the terrain exaggeration, the dynamic model, the static model and the CEGUI manufacture as well as collision's examination and so on, realizes a game embryonic form development. myself is responsible for the terrain part in the project manufacture process, through the project manufacture, I to Visual Studio, DirectX, 3dmax has the further understanding, to the D3D exaggeration, the function transfer, the object-oriented thought had a more profound understanding with a kind of design.
人工翻译 累死我了。。。。。。

热心网友 时间:2023-09-09 17:33

Now, 3D technology has become the mainstream gaming market, more and more games using 3D technology to show the game screen, so if you want in today's game development instry will continue to survive and develop, learning 3D technology is the potential in the will be implemented. The current game development as a mainstream technology, DirectX graphics library with the development of powerful functions.

The project aims to Demo the use of DirectX games development, software development for Visual Studio 2005, which also involves 3dmax, as well as knowledge of Photo Shop. Through the sky and terrain rendering, dynamic models, static models and the proction of CEGUI and collision detection and so on to pursue the development of the embryonic form of a game.

Proction process in the project I am responsible for the topography of the proction through the project, I have Visual Studio, DirectX, 3dmax have a better understanding of rendering in D3D, function calls, object-oriented design ideas and categories have a better understanding.


热心网友 时间:2023-09-09 17:33

The project aims to Demo the use of DirectX games development, software development for Visual Studio 2005, which also involves 3dmax, as well as knowledge of Photo Shop. Through the sky and terrain rendering, dynamic models, static models and the proction of CEGUI and collision detection and so on to pursue the development of the embryonic form of a game.

Now, 3D technology has become the mainstream gaming market, more and more games using 3D technology to show the game screen, so if you want in today's game development instry will continue to survive and develop, learning 3D technology is the potential in the will be implemented. The current game development as a mainstream technology, DirectX graphics library with the development of powerful functions.

Proction process in the project I am responsible for the topography of the proction through the project, I have Visual Studio, DirectX, 3dmax have a better understanding of rendering in D3D, function calls, object-oriented design ideas and categories have a better understanding.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-09 17:34

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