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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-28 10:18



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 10:14

My mother’s birthday is coming soon. I have been worried about how to help my mother have an unforgettable birthday. Suddenly an idea ran into my mind. I want to make a birthday cake for my mother.
I came to the booked cake shop and found the master chef of our custom cake. Through my sincere expression and pleading, the master promised me to complete the cake with me.
On the day of my mother's birthday, I came to the cake shop early. After the master made the cake blank, taught me how to make the decorative flowers. I also made a small model of my mother with chocolate under the guidance of the master. Finally, I wrote "Happy Birthday, Mon" on the cake with cream.
The cake is finished. I can't wait to see the expression of surprise when my mother saw the cake.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 10:15


热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 10:15


My mother’s birthday is coming soon. I have been worried about how to help my mother have an unforgettable birthday. Suddenly an idea ran into my mind. I want to make a birthday cake for my mother.I came to the booked cake shop and found the master chef of our custom c...


My mother's birthday is coming up soon. She has always been there for me, supporting me through thick and thin. To show my appreciation, I have planned a surprise party for her with her closest friends and family. We will have a delicious meal, play games, and sing happy b...


It's important to have a birthday party for her.At the party I'll sing a song for her.I think she must be happy.That day comes right now,I can't wait.翻译 我妈妈的生日快到了。下周日,5月10日是我妈妈的生日。我想给我妈妈一个惊喜。那天我要给她买一个大生日蛋糕。我想为...


Mom's birthday is coming. I'm going to give her a present. It's a greeting card. I need a piece of cardboard. I'll paint on it. And write on it. I'll give it to my mother on her birthday.


Mom's birthday is coming. I have a lot to say to my mom on this special day. First of all, I want to say happy birthday to mom. Then I'd like to say thanks to mom for giving birth to me, for taking the best care of me. Finally, I will ask mom to enjoy life ...




your mom to celebrate how much you love her .You could play with your mother . You could serve tea and help your mother wash feet .You should let your mom happy . I believe you can let your mother feel happiness .Have a good time !your friend Frank [需要翻译,请追问]...


it should be very easy to find. Formal Hello This is Wang, Hua I am holding a birthday party on next Sunday at my place, entry starts at 7:30PM My address is 12 zhong shan lu, you can either take bus #5 or #9, and get off at gong yuan lu, the house is located ...


My mother's birthday Last week was my mother‘s birthday.I thought I should buy one gift for my mother.so I went to the shop. Oh.to choose a suitable gift is a hard work.but I thought it was worthwile.In the end I found a gift which my mother would like very much....


if tomorry is you mother ’s birthday, you will give her what gift ?

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