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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-29 03:16



热心网友 时间:2023-08-20 17:19

My hometown Wuhan is warm in spring,and everything begins to grow.The hottest season is summer,so every summer many people like to swim in the Yangtze River.The fall in Wuhan is like spring,neither too hot nor too cold.Winter is very cold,and it snows every year,so people always wear thick clothes.My hometown Wuhan is warm in spring,and everything begins to grow.The hottest season is summer,so every summer many people like to swim in the Yangtze River.The fall in Wuhan is like spring,neither too hot nor too cold.Winter is very cold,and it snows every year,so people always wear thick clothes.,10,

热心网友 时间:2023-08-20 17:19

Dear [Friend's Name],
I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to tell you about the weather in my city, [City Name].
Currently, the weather here is absolutely delightful. The sun is shining brightly, casting its warm rays on the city. The temperature is pleasantly mild, with a gentle breeze that brings a refreshing touch to the air. It's the perfect weather to go out and enjoy outdoor activities.
The days are filled with clear blue skies, and the nights are cool and comfortable. We have been experiencing a few occasional showers, which have helped to keep the surroundings lush and green. The flowers are in full bloom, creating a picturesque landscape throughout the city.
People in the city are taking full advantage of the wonderful weather by spending time in parks, going for walks along the river, and enjoying outdoor cafes. The atmosphere is vibrant and cheerful, with everyone embracing the joys of the season.
I truly wish you could experience the beauty of our city's weather firsthand. It is a time when nature seems to come alive, and there is a sense of happiness and contentment in the air.
Please take care and stay in touch. I hope to hear from you soon and perhaps one day you can visit me in [City Name] to witness the marvelous weather yourself.
With warm regards,
[Your Name]
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