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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-29 07:13



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 22:22

Hello Aunty,

I'm so glad to hear from you, I got the photos too. I can read most of the letter besides a few words. Is Matthew TieDan's English name? It sounds like a great name.

I've missed AnAn dearly, every now and then I would take a look at the photos and some of the clips that we took using my mobile phone. FangFang will be back in the next few days, we'll develop the photos for grandma and grandpa, can you please send over a few photos of your whole family? As well as cute photos of AnAn and TieDan when they were young? Grandpa and grandma will be so pleased to see them.

So it seems that AnAn likes China, I hope you'll bring him back more often, or send him off on the plane, and we'll take care of him, seeing that he's not so busy these days, once school starts he'll be busy then. You guys have been busy right? Otherwise AnAn won't be complaining about you not being around him.

Hope to hear from you more often, I'm sorry for the late reply as FangFang is back, I will tell FangFang to write to you too.
Please take care over there, and please send my regard to everyone in your family.
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